Outlook Screen



I am using Outlook 2003.
We are just beginning to utilize Work Flows using Outlook. I need to know
how to
"Define a View" so that each person will be able to see the MS Outlook
screen the way they want to . In other words I want to customize MS Outlook
screens based on each person's needs. For example: Someone may only want to
see the OPEN work flows, while someone else may want to see ALL work flows.
One person may want to see the work flows in "date order" or by "part number"
or by "customer name" etc.

I have played with this a little bit, but would really like to understand
how to do this properly. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is
there something on line or a book you could recommend that can help me with
this task?

I would appreciate any help you can give me.


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