Outlook Script: Problem using Find



Hi All and happy New Year, Specially to U Sue (Good Health and Lot of money
;) )

My Config:
Outllook 2003 and Sbs 2003

I use a personal Form, and Before Saving a new Contact I check if it doesn't
exist Yet So I perform a check using the company Name

All was working fine still, some one used ( " ) In the name of the company
ex : The Company "not yet"

the added string "not yet" hang's my code and display an error

How can'I be sure that my check work even if strange character are used

Thk's for help

here'is the part of my code

strFind = "[CompanyName]=" & Chr(34) & Cible & Chr(34)
set myItem = myItems.Find(strFind)

If not (myItem Is Nothing) then

Here I display a message error and abort the save

end if

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