Outlook sends to address not in my address book



I just typed in the name of someone who is in my Outlook 2007 address
book under contacts (I had just added the name). Instead of using the
address in my address book, Outlook filled in a different email
address. I'm not sure where it got that address--it isn't in my
address book, maybe it's an address I used in a recent email. It
didn't even exactly match the name I typed in--I typed it in without a
middle initial, and the name it added (next to the email address
itself) had a middle initial. Something like this:
I typed: john doe
Outlook gave me: John Q. Doe <[email protected]>
Address in my address book: John Doe <[email protected]>

1) How can I force Outlook to use only the addresses in my address
2) Failing (1), how can I force Outlook to at least give me a choice
when this situation arises?

Mike Maxwell

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Pay attention to what you're doing and happens. You are selecting an entry
from your Autocompletion cache instead of a name from your Contacts. Make
your selection form the Outlook Address Book interface instead of using


You are selecting an entry from your Autocompletion cache instead of a name
from your Contacts. Make your selection form the Outlook Address Book
interface instead of using autocompletion.

That's what I ended up doing, but the auto-completion cache is so
convenient... But if that's where this incorrect address came from,
i.e. it caches incorrect addresses as well as correct ones, then this
seems to negate its advantage. Is there no way to filter the results
from the auto-completion cache to allow only addresses in my Address
Book, or to get the auto-completion feature to use my address book
instead of this cache? How long do things stay in the cache? Is
there any way to purge it?

Mike Maxwell

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

That's what I ended up doing, but the auto-completion cache is so
convenient... But if that's where this incorrect address came from,
i.e. it caches incorrect addresses as well as correct ones, then this
seems to negate its advantage.

The autocompletion cache has no way to tell if you're mistyped an address or
used an address that used to exist but no longer does. The address gets
entered into the cache at the point the address gets "resolved", signified
by becoming underlined within the message compose window. This happens when
you tab out of a recipient field (when using autoresolution) or press Ctrl-K
or the Check Names button, or just after you click Send, and before the
compose window closes.


You can delete entries from the Autocompletion by using your arrow key to
arrow down to it, then hit the Delete key to remove it.


You can delete entries from the Autocompletion by using your arrow key to
arrow down to it, then hit the Delete key to remove it.

Ah, that's what I was looking for--thanks!

Mike Maxwell

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