Outlook "Sent" Email Mess



Does anyone know why I have trouble sending emails? I get a virus block
error and it says it didn't send but then it still shows in my sent folder.
I just want to know it was sent for sure or not. If it is in my sent folder,
it should have went, correct?

William Lefkovics [MVP]

I would say, if it makes it to your sent items folder that Outlook considers
it sent.

Do you have a yahoo.com, hotmail.com, or gmail.com account (or whatever) you
can send messages to to test?

As for the virus block error, we have to dig a little deeper to solve that.
Starting with what applications, versions, and detailed text of the error.


I have just starting working on solving this problem withmy emails. If I am
sending out to a small group, and if one of the addresses is bad with
comcast.net, I get a McAfee error that says I have a protocol problem. Click
on protocol and it says VBScript - 551 not our customer. But then I
discover that none of the emails were sent (I have sent one to another
account name that I have). It is not in my outbox, it is in my sent box, but
it is never received by my other account. It only happens with old email
addresses to comcast.net. Any other companies bad address come back to me
later as unavailable or whatever.
Any hint on this one. Comcast says that it was McAfee, McAfee says it is
Tested it through the comcast email program - went through fine. With
McAfee online, we shut down the virus and firewall and security programs -
and it still happened.

Thanks for the help.

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