Our company has about 10~15 salesperson.
We have 8 computers for them.
Windows XP pro connect to Windows 2003 and Exchange 2003.
So these 10~15 people can login any 8 PCs.
I have to setup outlook 2003 for each PC with their login name.
That means I have to setup 10~15 outlooks for each PC.
Then setup 80~120 outlooks for all 8 PCs.
Is there any easy way?
Our company has about 10~15 salesperson.
We have 8 computers for them.
Windows XP pro connect to Windows 2003 and Exchange 2003.
So these 10~15 people can login any 8 PCs.
I have to setup outlook 2003 for each PC with their login name.
That means I have to setup 10~15 outlooks for each PC.
Then setup 80~120 outlooks for all 8 PCs.
Is there any easy way?