outlook should CLOSE winword.exe(26.512K memory) after view/new!


John Lambrou

outlook opens winword.exe in case of viewing(not preview!) or creating a new
message without close it after that.
Bill Gates maybe have a super computer in his office but i'm NOT!
I NEED MY MEMORY! fix it please

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John said:
outlook opens winword.exe in case of viewing(not preview!) or
creating a new message without close it after that.
Bill Gates maybe have a super computer in his office but i'm NOT!
I NEED MY MEMORY! fix it please

Easy - do NOT use Word as your email editor.

John Lambrou

that's why i'm posting Gordon.
it just like as someone gives you a brand new ferrari in the downtown of
Hamburg-Germany where the speed limit is 20m/h.
Are they serious?
Take back the god deamn car and give me a bicycle!

Manos Gamoloutsas

Gordon said:
I think you'll find it's the only one........AFAIK.........

Gordon ...
Listen to John...His mighty experience has prove the importance
of this matter...


John said:
that's why i'm posting Gordon.
it just like as someone gives you a brand new ferrari in the downtown of
Hamburg-Germany where the speed limit is 20m/h.
Are they serious?
Take back the god deamn car and give me a bicycle!
Well no-one is FORCING you to use Word as your email editor, in fact AFAIR
the default is NOT to use Word as email editor, so you must have turned it
on at some time.......

John Lambrou

as i well understand you're disagree with me that microsoft must improve the
winword handle through outlook. you are full satisfy with the product of a
company which puts the world standars one level higher than already are every
time(~1 year) it's published a new product. product... or effect?
anyway i have my own opinion about this and i demand winword to CLOSE when i
don't use it.

John Lambrou
Software Engineer
(e-mail address removed)

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook 2007 will take care of this by not running Winword.exe at all.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Brian Tillman

John Lambrou said:
outlook opens winword.exe in case of viewing(not preview!) or
creating a new message without close it after that.
Bill Gates maybe have a super computer in his office but i'm NOT!
I NEED MY MEMORY! fix it please

You don't seem to understand how virtual memory works. If Word is not
active and another program needs memory, Word or some other application will
get its memory written to the page file, thereby freeing up RAM for the new
program. Just because program is loaded does not mean it's consuming RAM.
If it has been paged out, it's not taking the space.

John Lambrou

Now, this is an answer.
It's ok. i can wait

Sue Mosher said:
Outlook 2007 will take care of this by not running Winword.exe at all.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

John Lambrou

do me a favor. open winword.exe
then open the task manager
page "performace" -> "physical memory" -> "available"
see this number?
ok... now close the winword
check your PHYSICAL memory again
why i have to "wait" until winword
goes to page file and then back again
and back to the page file and back again
and so on?????
You seem to understand well how virtual memory works. in theory.


John said:
do me a favor. open winword.exe
then open the task manager
page "performace" -> "physical memory" -> "available"
see this number?
ok... now close the winword
check your PHYSICAL memory again
why i have to "wait" until winword
goes to page file and then back again

And that process takes NANO seconds - far too short for you to even notice

John Lambrou

Dear friend,
this NANO differencies goes human to space.
makes your HDD faster and your GPS to receive a satelitte signal.
impressive, eh?

Brian Tillman

John Lambrou said:
do me a favor. open winword.exe
then open the task manager
page "performace" -> "physical memory" -> "available"
see this number?
ok... now close the winword
check your PHYSICAL memory again

Naturally. This makes it even more clear that you don't have any idea how
your computer is supposed to work.
why i have to "wait" until winword
goes to page file and then back again
and back to the page file and back again
and so on?????
You seem to understand well how virtual memory works. in theory.

And you don't seem to know how it works in practice.

John Lambrou

you are an idiot who loves Microsoft and
microsoft products. that's a fact.
what are you trying to prove by telling me that you know/or not
how virtual memory works? I DON'T CARE! my god!
are you Bill Gates friend?
are you represent this company in your country/area?
are they paying you?
did you noticed that in notepad.exe i can't use ctrl+arrows to
quickly move through words?
NO? then you're REALLY idiot!
i can't remember how many years this issue exist.
from a PRO. from THE MI - CRO - SOFT!! wow...!
....and you tell me about virtual memory? ...WAKE UP!
i can't figure out how this convertation between me and you has start but
now it's time to end. i can't hear you any more.

PS: uk right? why not ENGLAND man? sunshine is missing from your life. i can
see it from your smile. you don't have one!

PS2: i can't speak you language well; i have MOOORREEE to tell you. maybe i
don't know in anyway how the virtual memory works but at least i'm know your
language. YOUR brain is too small to even try to speak my language. speech is
the easy part. Writing is the x-treme part.

PS3: Have a nice day! I LOVE YOU!!

Pat Willener

You really don't need to come here calling people names!

Everyone, please stop feeding this troll!

John Lambrou

Dear Pat,
in a democracy system i have the right to express my opinion.
you can do it as well.
DON'T tell me what to DO and what YOU know that i don't!
i don't care who are you, what are you know, where are you from.
i didn't ask for Brian opinion or knowledge.
i didn't ask from anyone to feed this conversation.
neither Brian nor you.
i'm posting at Microsoft at www.microsoft.com and that's it
i have a disagreement with microsoft about how winword.exe must
work with outlook and Sir Brian comes directly to tell me NOT to use
word or how the virtual memory works
furthermore i don't know some thinks so
i don't have the right to tell my opinion so i have no right to participate
he is a frustrated ENGLISHMAN!


John said:
Dear Pat,
in a democracy system i have the right to express my opinion.
you can do it as well.
DON'T tell me what to DO and what YOU know that i don't!
i don't care who are you, what are you know, where are you from.
i didn't ask for Brian opinion or knowledge.
i didn't ask from anyone to feed this conversation.
neither Brian nor you.

Then why start it in the first place?
i'm posting at Microsoft at www.microsoft.com and that's it
i have a disagreement with microsoft about how winword.exe must
work with outlook

Oh dear. Another misconception. This is a PEER-TO-PEER support group. Yes
you OCCASIONALLY get MS employees posting here but not very often. If you
wish to take this issue up with Microsoft then do so but do NOT post your
winging here. You have been given the solution, now grow up and get on with

Brian Tillman

John Lambrou said:
you are an idiot

Perhaps. I've been called many names, none of which bother me.
who loves Microsoft and
microsoft products. that's a fact.

Bzzt. Wrong. But thanks for playing.
what are you trying to prove by telling me that you know/or not
how virtual memory works? I DON'T CARE!

If you did, you would have understood why your original question was
my god!
are you Bill Gates friend?

I've never met the man.
are you represent this company in your country/area?

I've conducted a survey.
are they paying you?

Sure, and very well, too.
did you noticed that in notepad.exe i can't use ctrl+arrows to
quickly move through words?

How is this germane?
NO? then you're REALLY idiot!
i can't remember how many years this issue exist.
from a PRO. from THE MI - CRO - SOFT!! wow...!
...and you tell me about virtual memory? ...WAKE UP!
i can't figure out how this convertation between me and you has start
but now it's time to end. i can't hear you any more.

That's fine.
PS: uk right? why not ENGLAND man? sunshine is missing from your
life. i can see it from your smile. you don't have one!

I've never had the pleasure to visit England.
PS2: i can't speak you language well; i have MOOORREEE to tell you.
maybe i don't know in anyway how the virtual memory works but at
least i'm know your language. YOUR brain is too small to even try to
speak my language.

What is it? Perhaps I can speak it.
speech is the easy part. Writing is the x-treme part.

PS3: Have a nice day! I LOVE YOU!!

Yeah. Me too.

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