When we invite someone to visit our company, it takes painstaking effort wth
HR and all interviewers to schedule a day of successive interviews. There
should be a feature to schedule and interview, pick interviewees and the
amount of time, add in breaks, attach job descripton, attach resume, and
print out interview schedule.
Outlook could then do the heavy lifiting of looking at schedules, grabbing
times, building the schedule and suggesting which day to have the candidate
visit the company, based on the availability of the interviewers. You could
even have optional and mandatory interveiwers.
This would be a great added feature.
HR and all interviewers to schedule a day of successive interviews. There
should be a feature to schedule and interview, pick interviewees and the
amount of time, add in breaks, attach job descripton, attach resume, and
print out interview schedule.
Outlook could then do the heavy lifiting of looking at schedules, grabbing
times, building the schedule and suggesting which day to have the candidate
visit the company, based on the availability of the interviewers. You could
even have optional and mandatory interveiwers.
This would be a great added feature.