Outlook should let add manually add mails to a conversation



With certain conversations, sometimes it makes sense to change the subject in
one of the follow up mails. Outlook doesn't automatically list the mails with
a different subject as part of a conversation. There should be a manual
override to attach or remove a mail to/from a conversation.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.




I hope Microsoft considers this suggestion because filing emails by
conversation group is the only satisfactory method of filing that I have
found so far in Outlook 2003 (I don't have to create folders for every
subject like in Eudora) and it would be very useful if I could drag and drop
emails which belong in a conversation (even though Outlook doesn't think they

Others have suggested filing by subject because you can always change the
subject header in emails to keep them together. But the problem with subject
grouping is that you have no control over how the subjects are sorted -
Outlook's default is to sort subjects alphabetically but that is useless to
me as I want my subject groups sorted by the date of the latest email
received in each group (the same way Outlook sorts conversation groups).



Try customizing the current view
All of the following can be accessed from View on the file menue:

Select the view arrange by subject
View - Arrange By - Subject

Then customize this view:
View - Arrange By - Current View - Customize Current View

Make the following changes:
Sort: Received (Descending)

This will group your emails by subject and then sort them with newest on top
and the first message on the bottom. To reverse this change the sort order to

You can make this a customized view with a quick link in the navagation bar
by going to Define Views and creating the above customized view and giving it
a unique name
* Make sure you have selected "show views in navagation bar"

I hope this helps




Thanks for your suggestion but this hasn't helped. I can easily sort how I
like *within* a subject group. My problem is that Outlook automatically
sorts my subject groups within a mail folder alphabetically, either ascending
or descending. I get no other choice on how to sort the groups within a mail
folder, although I can sort within a subject group by date or whatever.

In my case, I subscribe to a forum which has posts on multiple subjects.
Some of these subjects are now dead, nobody posts on them anymore. Others
are more recent and get lots of posts. I just wanted to be able sort my mail
folder by the subject groups according to the date of the last post received
in each subject group - that way I could have only the most recent subjects
groups at the bottom and the older, dead topics out of the way up the top of
my mail folder (unless they receive a new post!).

I did find a way of achieving this, and this was to group by Conversation
(descending), and sort by Received (ascending). But, getting back to what
the first poster on this topic said - we need to be able to manually drag and
drop emails that belong in a conversation together. Currently there is no
way to assign emails to a conversation manually as you can with subjects.
Outlook often does strange things with conversations, splitting them up, even
when the emails have the same subject heading! That's where being able to
manually reassign them would be really useful.



Thought I would add an example to bring this thread to the forefront again.
A conversation starts about a particular product. Ask for a quote on the
product but the quote comes back with a different subject line/conversation.
It would be very nice to group that quote in the conversation without having
to send an email to myself including the quote...

Another example: An email with the subject line 'printer replacement' comes
in. A conversation is started with some truckers about using 4 copies
instead of carbon paper as a potential solution. It doesn't make sense that
the subject line would be 'copies vs carbon copy'.


I'm surprised that, with all the updates that Microsoft has made to Outlook
since 2006, they haven't made this simple change -- allowing click and drag
to move an email from one "conversation" to another.

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