Victe said:
I’m sorry, I thought that it was evident, and the brevity thought that
it would be welcomed.
The categories in Outlook always appear in any view ordered
that it is very well, but I believe that it would be far better if
they were
possible to be ordered by priority, importance, or fields user
I hope that this time my suggestion has been more precise
Asking why you cannot sort a view by the Category column which doesn't
work in OL2002 (you didn't mention your version) where clicking on the
"Category" column header results in "You cannot sort by this field" is
different than, say, asking why you cannot sort the list of categories
non-alphabetically when defining filters or looking at the master list
of them. The first one is probably what you are asking about.
When you select a folder in which you have added the Category column,
using the View -> Current View -> Customize Current View -> Sort does
not show Category as an selectable item on which to sort (that is the
navigation in OL2002; don't know what you have). In fact, there are
many attributes which are not listed so you cannot sort by them.
Using the renaming scheme where prefixes are used to force an overlaid
sorting order, like adding "<nn> - <category>" where nn is a number or
letter, is about the only way you're going to get what you want.
Patrick seems to know about Outlook 2007 or have it available to check
so maybe he can get pointed at the view customization to see if that
betaware version now includes Category as a Sort By selection in a view.
I'm not sure you want to be wasting time with a beta version, especially
if you don't have a separate test host or VM under which to trial it
(but you'd know if the wanted feature already showed up in the next
Note that using Microsoft's bastardization of Usenet to use its groups
for casting votes doesn't work for anyone not using their webmail
interface. There is no "vote" button in NNTP clients, like OE, and few
of use using real NNTP clients are going to waste the time clicking on a
link to go use their webnews interface (we weren't there and aren't
going there). So voting probably devolves into providing a sampling
across only the webnews users. It might bring attention to someone at
Microsoft culling out posts that have that signature but I don't know
how successful it can be to provide a good voting scheme when many users
are NOT using their webnews interface.