Outlook Signature Trouble


Somethings Wrong

Hello I'm new to this Group and I feel I'm in way over my head. Well
let me tell you what my problem is. First I started using Signatures
about 4 months ago, since then I've had some troubles with the
signatures. The main problem is my signatures are acting up. I have
about 15 Different Signatures and the first day they seemed to work,
but then I noticed that only one signature was comming up when I would
try to insert other signatures. I tried some different things but in
the end I decided to let Outlook Win. I've tried to erase all
signatures and make new ones, but alas, when I try to insert a
signature using the right-click it still shows the old signature names.
I'm so lost that I have no where else to turn to. Microsoft's site
read like speaker instructions and I can't make heads or tails of
anything. Someone please save me from myself! Thanks for all the help
in advance. Oh I am running WinXP Pro and have Outlook 2002 on my
machine. Thanks again!

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