Outlook "Smiley" (Fun Toolbar) removal assistance



How do I remove “fun†toolbars in Outlook?
1) I have run Spyware.
2) Tried to remove from "add/remove programs" but program not listed.
3) Tried to remove from Outlook; Tools, options, etc but it is not there
4) Ran a search on my hard drive for anything “smiley†and nothing came up.
HELP! How do I remove?

Simon Glencross

Try view from the menu bar, toolbars and see if you have a tick beside
anything which says smileys..



Step 1

Click Start > Settings > Control Panel

Open Add/Remove Programs

Click on Smiley World Toolbar

Click on Change/Remove
The program will then be uninstalled, restart your computer.

Step 2

Open Internet Explorer
Click on Tools > Internet Options
Click on Settings
Click on View Objects (window/folder pops open)
Close Internet Explorer down, but do not close the Downloaded Program FIle
window (window that opened after you clicked on view objects)
In the windows that was opened right click on SWToolBar Class and click
Go back to Step 1 and follow the steps.


Don't have Smiley World Toolbar in program files.
Click on Tools > Internet Options
Don't have "Settings"
Don't have "View Objects" (window/folder pops open)

So now what?

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