Outlook Startup Error Message: Can't find extend.dat


Mister Earl

Every time that I start Office 2003 Outlook, I get the error message that it
can not find the file "extend.dat". I have searched the files on my hard
drive - including hidden files option - and I can not find the extend.dat
file. I know it is suppose to be in the
Documents&Settings/user/appdata/microsoft/outlook directory, but it is not
there. I thought Outlook created this file automatically each time that it
starts up.
What do I do to get rid of this error message on startup of Outlook?

Mister Earl

I went to the site that John listed, which is the site for general questions
on Outlook. Was there an answer to my question in one of the 600+ postings
at that site or were saying that I should post my question on that particular

Mister Earl

Ooops, I'm sorry. I thought that I had posted to the Outlook site.
Apparently, I did not. Sorry to interupt your discussions on Powerpoint.

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