Outlook task integration???



When is MS planning to add real outlook task integration to One? I am not
talking about a shortcut menu (which is what it really is right now). I
think this product has a great deal of potential, but integration with
outlook is KEY to it's success. Most people probably don't want to keep two
seperate task lists, so please don't more task tracking functionality to One;
just integrate the task objects with One.

So, how would it work...I got and add a bullet item, then I right click and
set the Note Flag to To Do, it then will ask if I want to send, integrate,
whatever...this item to your outlook task list.

Please add this functionality!!! Again, product has a great deal of
potential, just needs better integration w/outlook.


Erik Sojka

The integration with Office in general could be better and I'm confident that
future versions will address this lack.

I have a note flag dedicated to items that I've copied to an Outlook Task.
As I'm taking notes in a meeting, I flag notes with my various "to do" flags.
When I later review my notes, any "to do" item which cannot be done
immediately or which must be scheduled, etc. gets copied to Outlook and then
flagged with the "Copied to Outlook Task" flag.

When I later check on the status of that item, I know to look in Outlook,
and if it is completed (and marked as completed in Outlook), I can then flag
it as completed in OneNote as well. It's not the perfect solution and it
does require some manual steps, but it's the best workaround I've found for


I'm sympathetic, Mike. Great suggestion, Erik.

I'm certainly plagued by all the redundant information I'm forced to
maintain...yet OneNote does what I want better than anything I've tried so
far (& I think all of us have for years been searching for this Holy Grail).

Mike, for what it's worth, in case you don't know about it there's a
built-in shortcut, Ctrl+Sh+K to send selected text to an Outlook Task Item.
(This is the same shortcut that Outlook uses internally to create a Task

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