Outlook to OneNote PowerToy Won't Work


Dave Jenkins

I have successfully (I guess) installed the PowerToy to allow copying
of OL e-mail messages to OneNote. I have quite a few

1. After the Install, I see a OneNote icon on the toolbar only when
I'm looking at an e-mail message. Is that to be expected? (I thought
I might see it from the Inbox view of all messages - that way I could
select a number of messages and send them all to OneNote at one time.)

2. If I click that icon, I can copy the message to a selected
folder/section/page. If I close out that message and then reopen it,
I then see another button on the toolbar - it is a dropdown menu for
"OneNote" with one menu choice: "Insert into Section". Why isn't this
dropdown there in the first place?

3. At one point during one of my many attempts to install this
PowerToy, the dropdown referred to in #2 also contained quite a few
other menu items ("About" and 4 or 5 others - can't remember now
exactly what they said). Where are those items now?

4. Here's the biggie: Once I've moved an e-mail item to One Note,
when I go back to looking at mail again, I can no longer send any more
items to ON. I can click or double-click (on either the ONeNote icon
or the dropdown button) 'til I'm blue in my face, but nothing happens.
If I close OL and come back in, then I can send another message to
ON, but then I'm stuck again. Is there a fix for this?

I'm running .NET Framework 1.1, Ooutlook 2003 SP1 (11.6359.6360), and
OneNote 2003 SP1 (11.6359.6360).

Sure hope someone can help on this - it looks like useful
functionality, if only I could get it to work!

Dave Jenkins

I have successfully (I guess) installed the PowerToy to allow copying
of OL e-mail messages to OneNote. I have quite a few

1. After the Install, I see a OneNote icon on the toolbar only when
I'm looking at an e-mail message. Is that to be expected? (I thought
I might see it from the Inbox view of all messages - that way I could
select a number of messages and send them all to OneNote at one time.)

2. If I click that icon, I can copy the message to a selected
folder/section/page. If I close out that message and then reopen it,
I then see another button on the toolbar - it is a dropdown menu for
"OneNote" with one menu choice: "Insert into Section". Why isn't this
dropdown there in the first place?

3. At one point during one of my many attempts to install this
PowerToy, the dropdown referred to in #2 also contained quite a few
other menu items ("About" and 4 or 5 others - can't remember now
exactly what they said). Where are those items now?

4. Here's the biggie: Once I've moved an e-mail item to One Note,
when I go back to looking at mail again, I can no longer send any more
items to ON. I can click or double-click (on either the ONeNote icon
or the dropdown button) 'til I'm blue in my face, but nothing happens.
If I close OL and come back in, then I can send another message to
ON, but then I'm stuck again. Is there a fix for this?

I'm running .NET Framework 1.1, Ooutlook 2003 SP1 (11.6359.6360), and
OneNote 2003 SP1 (11.6359.6360).

Sure hope someone can help on this - it looks like useful
functionality, if only I could get it to work!

All of these problems were solved by re-booting. Perhaps the install
instructions should call this out?

The PowerToy works well, and as expected. Gonna be very, very useful

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