Outlook Today should allow more flexibility in task display


ona marie

Outlook Today provides what I think are 2 extremes for display of tasks:
today or all. It does provide for all tasks without a due date but when you
create a task it defaults a due date so this seems silly.

I want a similar display option as was provided with Exchange. I'd like to
be able to display the next "X" days of tasks.

With today's tasks I can't prepare ahead (because I can't see them). With
all tasks it's information overload and the current tasks get lost in long
list of all tasks.

I use a lot of recurring tasks - some are weekly, some are quarterly, some
are annual. Right now, for example, with my Outlook Today set to "all", I am
seeing current quarterly tasks and also the same qtrly tasks for that are to
be completed in January, 2007. I don't need to see 3 months out. I do,
however, need to see more than today.

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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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