Outlook Treo 650 Palm HotSync OLERR lookup table



Where do I get advice on what these Outlook to Palm synchronize errors
Are they indicating errors in Outlook (which works) or the PDA (which
won't sync)?

HotSync operation started for donna on 12/21/05 19:54:07
Outlook Calendar
- Recovery Sync
Outlook Calendar synchronization failed

These were cut directly out of the PalmSource Outlook conduit HotSync
6.0.1 file:

The really frustrating thing about these messages is the hotsync used
to work on this new Verizon Treo650 Palm PDA cellphone and then stopped
all of a sudden. No matter how many times I reboot the Windows XP PC,
the PalmSource HotSync Manager 6.0.1 has been failing for more than a
week with these cryptic error codes above.

Is there a lookup table for these error codes?
Are they indicating Outlook errors (Outlook seems to work just fine) or
errors in the Palm PDA (which seems to work fine also)? It's just the
synchronization between the two that is failing. Contacts synchronize
just fine via the Treo 650 USB cable but the Outlook Calendar fails
every time (it used to work and I don't remember changing anything to
break it).

When I googled, I found someone suggested deleting the entire Outlook
profiles directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application
which didn't seem to solve the problem at all (I think I got even more
error codes when I pressed the HotSync button on the Treo 650 USB cable
but I don't remember because I didn't save the original set before
deleting the profiles directory).

The Outlook profiles directory reappeared with Outlook 2003 (which
seems to work fine throughout), and it re-created the following files:
donna_Outlook_profile.FAV 26 KB
donna_Outlook_profile.NK2 0KB
donna_Outlook_profile.srs 3KB

Do you know what these Outlook conduit Palm syncronize errors mean?

Donna D.


Where do I get advice on what these Outlook to Palm synchronize errors
HotSync operation started for donna on 12/21/05 19:54:07
Outlook Calendar
- Recovery Sync
Outlook Calendar synchronization failed

I should mention that I looked these each of these Outlook
synchronization errors up in the WindowsXP Outlook 2003 help but all I
got was:
"please rephrase your question"

I even searched for the generic "OLERR" and didn't come up with
anything in the Outlook help. I must be doing something wrong as I
can't believe a company as great as Microsoft or Palm would output an
error message and not provide the means to understand what that error
message means????

Do these Outlook or Palm error messages mean anything to you?

Donna D.


Do these Outlook or Palm error messages mean anything to you?

In my googling, I did find this site:

And I did run the old (Nov 2004) Outlook for Palm Conduit update:

But, I suspect it did nothing as that file is ancient and I have the
latest version of the Palm Desktop from the Verizon web site already

Still, in desperation, I tried that (backward) "updaate" but nothing

Is there a lookup table for these Outlook errors?

Donna D.


Is there a lookup table for these Outlook sync errors?

Even though the problem appears to be in Microsoft Outlook, in
desperation, I'm currently updating my Verizon Treo 650 Palm OS cell
phone firmware because this web page:

Says the Treo650 "software phone info" should list "Treo650-1.04-VZW"
(or higher).
My PalmOS Verizon Treo 650 phone info currently lists

If others need to obtain the Palm OS conduit updates for their
provider, see:

This still doesn't tell me what the OLERR Outlook error messages mean.
All I'm doing is shooting aimlessly in the dark.

Next I will try to uninstall Microsoft Outlook 2003 and re-install.
If that fails, I will try to uninstall the Verizon-supplied Palm
Desktop 4.1.4.
And, I'll uninstall and re-install it with the Verizon-supplied Outlook

I'm trying to supply all the URLs so others can follow us with more
advice than the zero I'm starting with -- so it would be really nice to
know what the slim pickens those OLERR messages indicate in the first

Donna Digiacomo


To update the firmware, I had to do a hard reset which I'd never done
So others can follow if they need to, here is how to do a hard reset on
the Treo 650 with my initial mistakes and errors in the procedure
corrected (I had to do this three times before I got it right!).


Follow these update steps EXACTLY or you will FAIL (as I did, three

0. Make sure your Treo 650 smartphone battery if fully charged as
you'll be here for at least a half hour (it took me more than an hour
because of all the mistakes which you won't do because you'll have read
this corrected guide!). And make sure your cable is NOT hooked up to
the Windows XP computer! The instructions don't say to delete any of
your Outlook profiles but it might be a real good idea to do so at this
point (see confusion later). It also might be a good idea to shut down
the Palm Desktop and the HotSync program too (you'll see why later).
Delete your Outlook profiles directory also (again, see later). Turn
off the keyguard before moving to the next step.
1. Press the Treo650 smartphone battery door release button on the back
of the phone and slide the battery door downward to remove it from your
Treo. Do not remove the battery itself.
2. Take out the stylus and have it ready and view this Treo650 web page
gif below:
3. Hold the Treo 650 in your left hand, with the screen facing you,
with the battery door off and then hold down the Power/End button (the
one with the red telephone icon) with your left tthumb.
4. While still holding the Power/End button and with the screen facing
you, twist your left hand 90 degrees to the left and then use the
stylus to gently press the RESET hole on the back and keep it there
until I say to let it go.
5. The screen will first blank out, then you will see the red and
orange PalmOne logo and a progress bar next, then a circular black and
white Palm Powered logo. Do not release the Power/End button until the
second, circular Palm Powered logo appears. When you see the second
(black and white) logo, release the little red telephone button.
6. Your Treo650 will ask you to confirm "Erase all data?" in English
and some funky language that doesn't make any sense to anyone but those
who can't possibly learn English so why try.
7. Press the Up button on the 5 way navigation control to select "erase
all data". Note if you redo these steps, you will get different actions
in the previous steps as there isn't any data to erase. If you're in
this situation (and I was), just wing it until the steps below start
looking familiar to you again.
8. You'll again see first the red/orange palm logo and then the black
and white logo.
9. The obnoxious "Setup 1 of 4" screen will ask you for your
intelligence, i.e., whether or not you live in the USA and don't feel
like learning the language or if you actually are not supremely lazy
and that you really do have a brain and can learn English like everyone
else does except you for some reason. Press the center button to select
10. Your Treo650 smartphone will ask you to confirm with a little box
which "looks" like you can tap it but you can't tap it; you have to
press the center button again to accept the OK confirmation that you
really do have the mental capacity to understand English in the USA.
11. Your Treo 650 smartphone will ask you to select the "z" on the
keyboard, and then to tap three red concentric bullesyey targets.
12. The Treo 650 will then ask you to "Enable Local Network Time",
which has an OK button which you *can* press the stylus on to accept.
If you do not enable local network time, then you will be asked to set
the date and time manually and to confirm the setup.
13. If you did enable the local network time, then just press the
"Done" and "OK" buttons, which will complete the hard reset of your
Treo650 smartphone.
14. Do NOT put the battery door back on the Treo650 smartphone!
15. Despite the fact the menus now ask you to, DO NOT SAY YES when the
Treo650 asks you to connect to the wireless provider!
16. Make sure the Treo650 says "Phone Off"!
17. Make sure Outlook is NOT running on your computer.
18. Connect your USB cable now to your Treo 650 smartphone.
19. Start your HotSync manager on your Windows PC.
19. Press the cable HotSync button with your usb cable connected to
your Treo650 and to your computer. The computer will asked you to
select an existing user or to create a new account. Despite what you
would think, do NOT select the old users previously used!
20. Select "Create a new user account named" and enter a completely new
user name (such as "DeleteMe") and press the computer dialog box OK
button with your mouse.
21. This next part is NOT part of the Palm instructions so we're
guessing here.
22. Microsoft Outlook will pop up asking you which account to choose.
This is NOT in the directions from the Palm folks. Use your old account
(I guess). If you try to make a new account, Outlook will pop up the
error "You cannot create a new Microsoft Outlook profile at tthis time.
To create a new profile, open the Control Panel. Double-click the Mail
icon. And then click Show Profiles. If you do that, you will NOT be
able to create a new profile nor will you be able to delete the
existing profiles (who knows why). Maybe because the syncronization has
them locked, I don't know. This is where we may need help from experts.
If any of this is wrong, then please let me know because this is NOT in
the instructions. The synchronization will fail just like all the rest
23. Apparently you must let the HotSync operation complete even though
it still fails. Your smartphone is not supposed to contain any of your
user data at this point. If it does, like mine did, then you have to go
back to step 0 above and delete all your profiles from the Windows XP
Control Panel and delete the Outlook Application Data directories, etc.
as explained in step 0 (which you skipped as I did as it wasn't in the
original instructions).
24. At this point, you should have a list of OKs on your Treo650
smartphone l,ike OK Restore, OK Quick Install, OK Outlook Notes, OK
Outlook Calendar, OK Outlook Contacts, OK Outlook Tasks, OK Backup.
Whew! Still following?
25. Now perform a soft reset (why?) by pressing the reset button again,
this time without also pressing the red telephone on/off button. The
instructions say to do this so I did it and so should you. Stop asking
26. Finally, on your Windows PC, go and download the
Treo650VZWUpdater1_04.zip (10.3 MB ZIP file) from
27. Unzip the Treo_650_Updater_1_04.exe file you just downloaded &
double click it.
28. The InstallShield Wizard will say "Treo 650 Updater 1.04" and it
will ask you to choose a user name, which you'll select as the dummy
one you created for some strange reason (i.e., DeleteMe).
29. Then, before going any further in this process, PRESS THE HOTSYNC
button on the USB cable! All sorts of wierd messages will show up on
your Treo 650 smartphone that you've never seen before, e.g.,
Synchronizing ROMUpdater, Syncronizing Network Profiles2, and many
others. Just live with it and don't ask why.
30. Now it will say "Charger Required". and you'll have to start all
over again.

Sam Sanders

Just live with it and don't ask why.
It will say "Charger Required". and you'll have to start all over again.

I didn't read the entire message but it's a fact you can not update Palm
firmware without hooking up the 120v adapter at some point in the process.

Where do you think the voltage to change the firmware is coming from

Karen Simon


Palm Support Knowledge Library Solution ID: 31167

'OLERR: (number)' errors in HotSync Log

These error messages can be found in the HotSync Log (more about HotSync Log).
They usually happen when the HotSync process fails to complete, leaving some
of your information unsynchronized.

The errors can take a number of forms, depending on your individual device.
They will always have "OLERR:" at the beginning, followed by a two-digit
number, a hyphen, and a four-digit number (hexadecimal). Example:

Outlook Calendar

- Recovery Sync
Outlook Calendar synchronization failed


When you see an "OLERR:" error, it usually indicates that the Palm Outlook
Conduits are having trouble synchronizing your information. When the conduits
encounter a corrupted or incompatible item, they will immediately stop the
entire synchronization process.

This issue is under investigation. Since OLERR errors can be caused by a wide
range of factors, we have developed a number of solutions at this point. Many
customers have resolved their issue with one or more of the procedures below:

John Gianni


I first tried this approach - but it failed due to the lack of the
charger (my use model is to hotsync from work and to charge they phone
from home so the charger and the hotsync cables are never in the same

Nonetheless, others may benefit from this information.

Palm Support Knowledge Library Solution ID: 31167

When you see an "OLERR:" error, it usually indicates that the Palm
Outlook Conduits are having trouble synchronizing your information.
When the conduits encounter a corrupted or incompatible item, they will
immediately stop the entire synchronization process.
This issue has been under investigation by Palm since Oct 20, 2004.

Install the Outlook Conduits for Palm Update
Tungsten T3, E, T5; Zire 31, 72; Treo 650

For some strange reason, you MUST have the 120volt wall charger with
you for this task or you will constantly fail to update and you'll be
left with an empty PDA so DO NOT start this update without having the
charger in your hand!

H. J. Fox

TheseOutlook OLERR error messages usually occur when the Palm HotSync process
fails to complete, generally due to bugs in Outlook causing corruption of the
Outlook data, most often the Calendar data. The result is the Palm conduits
leave data unsynchronized.

These Outlook OLERR errors can take a number of numerical forms, depending on
your individual device. They will always have "OLERR:" at the beginning,
followed by a two-digit number, a hyphen, and a four-digit hexadecimal number
which is not of any significance to the user.

Generally Microsoft Outlook will corrupt its Calendar data so you will see in
the HotSync log the words "Outlook Calendar", then four Outlook OLERR
messages, the Recovery Sync message, the failure message, and lastly two more
Outlook OLERR messages. For example:

Outlook Calendar

- Recovery Sync
Outlook Calendar synchronization failed

While the "OLERR:" error indicates the Palm Outlook Conduits are having
trouble synchronizing with bad Outlook data files, the resolution of the error
will take many forms. Unfortunately, when Outlook conduits encounter
the corrupted Outlook databases, the conduits immediately stop the entire
synchronization process. In effect, bugs in Outlook which cause hidden
corruption of its native data files ripple to cause the Palm to not
synchronize properly with those corrupted data files.

This issue is under investigation but Palm is powerless to fix Outlook
corruptions. Ten different workarounds exist today.

1. Create a new Calendar folder to compensate for the corrupted folde
2. Install the PIM Support Update which better handles corrupted data
3. Delete offline Calendar records which Outlook writes improperly
4. Create an end date for all Outlook recurring event corruptions
5. Delete events that span midnight, which Outlook writes improperly
6. Reset the link between Palm Outlook Conduits and default Outlook folders
7. Change Wireless Sync settings (works only for the Verizon Treo 650)
8. Experiment in batches by removing the corrupted Outlook data
9. Use Outlook's "Detect and Repair" function to fix corrupted Outlook data
10. Use a better written conduit which handles Outlook corruptions better

1. Create a new Calendar folder to compensate for Outlook corruptions.
Tungsten T3, E, T5; Zire 31, 72; Treo 650

Go to Outlook View -> Folder List
Right Click on Outlook Today [Mailbox - Your Name]
Create New Folder, Name: OLERR, Folder Contains: Calendar Items
Select where to place the folder: Mailbox - Your Name

Right click on "Calendar" and select "Copy Calendar" to "OLERR", OK.

Right click on the hotsync tray icon
Select "Custom", then "Calendar (Outlook)", then "Change" "Settings"
Source Folder, Browse, Mailbox - Your Name\Calendar
Change to:
Mailbox -Your Name\Calendar2
Check the "Enable synchronization when Outlook is offline" box.
Click OK twice, and then click Done
Press the hotsync button on the USB cable.

If the synchronization is successful and the OLERR doesn't appear in the
HotSync Log, you have resolved the issue. If you're still having trouble,
continue troubleshooting below.

2. Install the Outlook Conduits for Palm Update to compensate
Tungsten T3, E, T5; Zire 31, 72; Treo 650

Many customers who use Tungsten T3, E, T5; Zire 31, 72; or Treo 650 devices
report that this error no longer appears after they install the Outlook
Conduits for Palm Update.

3. Delete offline records
All devices

Microsoft Outlook includes a feature called "Work Offline" that lets you work
with a local copy of your information while not connected to the network or
Exchange server. When you work offline, your items are stored in an Offline
Folder file (.ost) on your hard disk.

You can delete offline records without deleting the items saved on the
Exchange server. In some cases, this solves the OLERR issue.

Warning: If you do not get your Calendar, Contacts, Tasks or Memos data from
the Exchange server (i.e. this data is stored locally, offline, all the time),
do not perform this procedure. However, most Outlook users in the workplace do
get their data from the Exchange server, and should perform the procedure
below. When in doubt, consult your organization's IT department about whether
your calendar, Contacts, Tasks and Memos data is provided by the Exchange

Note: In the example below, we use Calendar. Modify the instructions
accordingly if you're experiencing the error in Contacts, Tasks or Memos.

1. In Outlook, click on Calendar to view the calendar.
2. Open the File menu.
3. From File, select Folder, then Properties for "Calendar".
4. Under the General tab, click the button for Clear Offline Folders.
5. Your Calendar items may disappear. If this happens, you can restore them
from the Exchange server later. For now, don't restore it.
6. Perform a HotSync operation.
7. Open the HotSync log and look for the OLERR message. If it's not there,
you have resolved the issue.
8. Whether or not OLERR returns, you can now restore your Calendar data
from the Exchange server:
1. In Outlook, open the Tools menu.
2. From the Tools menu, select Send/Receive, then Send/Receive All.
3. Your Outlook client will contact the Exchange server and display
your Calendar information from the server.

4. Give all recurring Calendar events an end date
All devices experiencing Outlook Calendar OLERR errors

Unfortunately Outlook allows you to create data with recurring events that
have no end date. Sometimes this causes the Palm Outlook Conduits to fail. The
steps below tell you how to give all recurring events an end date.

1. In Outlook, go to any Calendar view.
2. From the View menu, select Arrange By, then Current View.
3. Make a note of the highlighted option which indicates your current view
(Day/Week/Month, Day/Week/Month View with AutoPreview, Active Appointments,
4. In the View > Arrange By > Current View menu, select Recurring
5. You will see a list of all Recurring appointments.
6. Click on the column heading for "Recurrence Range End."
7. At the bottom of the sorted list, you'll see events whose Range end is
marked as "No end."
8. Open each of these items and give them an and date. This can be far in
the future, such as the year 2050.

Now you're ready to test whether this got rid of the OLERR:

9. Perform a HotSync operation.
10. If the synchronization is successful and OLERR doesn't appear in the
HotSync Log, you have resolved issue. If you're still having trouble, continue
troubleshooting below.

5. Delete Calendar events that span midnight causing Outlook corruption
All devices experiencing Outlook Calendar OLERR errors

Sometimes, an event that spans multiple calendar days (such as a concert that
starts at 9pm Saturday and ends at 2am Sunday) can cause the OLERR issue.

Look through each day in your Outlook Calendar and spot any events that span
midnight. Delete these events, or give them an end time of 11:55pm on the same

Then perform a HotSync operation. If it's successful, and OLERR does not
appear in the HotSync Log, you have resolved the issue.

6. Reset the link between Palm Outlook Conduits and default Outlook folders
All devices

Sometimes, the link between the default Outlook folders and the Palm Outlook
Conduits can be lost. Here's how to re-establish that link:

1. Restart your PC. Do not launch Outlook yet.
2. From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
3. In the Run window, type outlook /resetfolders (make sure you leave a
space after "outlook" but no space after the forward slash).
4. If you performed this command correctly, Outlook will launch on your PC.
5. Perform a HotSync operation.
6. If the synchronization is successful and OLERR doesn't appear in the
HotSync Log, you have resolved issue. If you're still having trouble, continue
troubleshooting below.

7. Change Wireless Sync settings to compensate for Outlook corruption
Verizon Wireless Treo 650 only

The Verizon version of the Treo 650 smartphone includes a Wireless Sync
application. Other versions of Treo 650, and other Palm devices, do not have

Even if you do not use Wireless Sync, its settings may be causing the OLERR
message. Here's how to change your settings to work more amicably with

1. On your Verizon Treo 650, launch the Wireless Sync application.
2. Press Menu .
3. From the Setup menu, select Connection Settings.
4. Select Advanced.
5. Add a checkmark to the box for "Enable Other Sync Apps."
6. Select OK,

8. Experiment in batches to manually locate bad Outlook data files
All devices

This solution is time-consuming; we recommend trying the solutions above
before resorting to this method. Here, we move all items to a new folder, and
manually move them back in small batches. This pinpoints the exact item
causing the error.

First, create a new folder in Outlook that contains the type of item
giving you trouble:

1. In Outlook, right-click on any folder in the left navbar.
2. From the popup menu that appears, select New Folder.
3. In the Create New Folder window, give the folder a name.
4. From the pulldown menu, select the type of item that appeared in
the HotSync log. For example, if the HotSync log said "Outlook Calendar
synchronization failed," select Calendar Items.
5. In the folder list, select a location for the new folder to
reside. For the purposes of this procedure, it doesn't matter where you locate
this folder, as long as you remember where it is.
6. When finished, click OK to close the Create New Folder window.

Next, move all items into the new folder:

7. In Outlook open the function that appeared in the HotSync log
error. For example, if the HotSync log said "Outlook Calendar synchronization
failed," open the Calendar.
8. You may wish to switch to a List View in Outlook to perform the
next steps.
9. Depending on which type of item is giving you trouble:
* Calendar: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then
Current View, then By Category. This results in a list view of all Calendar
* Tasks: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then Current
View, then Simple List. You'll see a list view of all Tasks.
* Contacts: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then
Current View, then By Category. You'll see a simple list of your Contacts in a
table, divided by the Category to which they belong.
* Memos: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then
Categories. You'll see a listing of all your Memos in a simple table.
10. Select all Calendar, Tasks, Contacts or Memos items.
11. Drag and drop these items to the new folder you created above.

Now, experiment:

12. Open the new folder you created.
13. Depending on which type of item is giving you trouble:
* Calendar: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then
Current View, then By Category. This results in a list view of all Calendar
* Tasks: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then Current
View, then Simple List. You'll see a list view of all Tasks.
* Contacts: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then
Current View, then By Category. You'll see a simple list of your Contacts in a
table, divided by the Category to which they belong.
* Memos: From the View menu, select Arrange By, then
Categories. You'll see a listing of all your Memos in a simple table.
14. Drag a small number of items back to the original folder. For
example, if you moved all your Calendar events to a new folder, select 10-15
events from the new folder and drag them into the Calendar folder in the left
navbar of Outlook.
15. Perform a HotSync operation.
16. Does the error appear?
* No: Repeat the process: drag 10-15 items from the new folder
into the original folder and perform a HotSync operation until the error
* Yes: You've found it! The batch of items you just moved
contains the corrupted item. Move the last 10-15 items back to the new folder.
Then move one of these items at a time to the original folder, and perform a
HotSync operation. When the error re-appears, you know the item you just moved
is the culprit. Delete this item (be sure to write down its details if you
want to recreate it manually in Outlook).

9. Use Outlook's "Detect and Repair" function
All devices

Microsoft Outlook includes a function that detects and repairs problems
such as missing files and registry settings associated with all installed
Microsoft Office programs. Use this function only as a last resort, as it may
delete your customized preferences, such as menu and toolbar settings and list
of recently used files. Be prepared to lose your settings and start from
default if you choose the Detect and Repair option.

You'll need your Outlook CD to perform this function. If your
organization's IT department installed Outlook for you, contact the IT
department to obtain the Outlook CD or get help using Detect and Repair.

1. In Outlook, open the Help menu and select Detect and Repair.
2. In the Detect and Repair dialog box, click the Start button.
3. Wait for Outlook to perform the Detect and Repair diagnostic.
4. Exit Outlook. Note: a dialog box showing running programs will
appear. You must close these programs before Outlook can proceed. Close the
programs and click Cancel.
5. Insert the Outlook installation CD and click OK
10. A third-party sync solution may handle corrupted Outlook data better
All devices

If none of the solutions above resolves your OLERR problems, you may
wish to use a third-party synchronization solution for your Outlook
information. For example, PocketMirror Pro XT by Chapura supports Outlook
synchronization with the new PIM fields in handhelds released after late 2003
(which handhelds are these?).

If this fails, contact your technical support hotlines.
Verizon OLERR technical PDA free phone support 1-888-308-5005
Palm OLERR technical PDA free phone support 1-877-426-3777
Microsoft does not have Outlook technical support available at this time.

H. J. Fox

TheseOutlook OLERR error messages usually occur when the Palm HotSync process
fails to complete, generally due to bugs in Outlook causing corruption of the
Outlook data, most often the Calendar data. The result is the Palm conduits
leave data unsynchronized.

Having performed technical support for Outlook, I'm surprised that nobody
advised you of this web page yet.

I guess it's because most Outlook users who don't actually suppot the
program, don't even know themselves how buggy the Outlook program is when it
comes to writing consistent data files. Probably almost every Outlook pst file
out there is corrupted one time or another.

Outlook OLERR errors are a common everyday message for many Outlook users on
Windows and the Macintosh that could be precipitated by a number of faulty
settings or conditions within Outlook.

An excerpt of the Palm Support Library Solution ID 14454 follows.

Support Knowledge Library Solution ID: 14454

Very often, HotSync doesn't transfer Outlook corrupted data. When that
happens, the ubiquitous Outlook OLERR error appears in the HotSync Log after
you attempt to perform a Wireless Sync operation on a Verizon Treo 650

The Verizon Wireless version of the Treo 650 smartphone has a useful feature
not present on other versions called "Wireless Sync" which properly detects
the common Outlook corruption.

However, when Outlook writes bad data, the Wireless Sync application
may conflics with the HotSync application. On occasion, Wireless Sync disables
HotSync without your knowledge, most notably in some upgrade scenarios. This
results in the common Outlook OLERR message appearing in the HotSync Log.

You can work around this Outlook error (OLERR) by re-configuring Wireless Sync
to allow other types of synchronization (including HotSync).

Caution: Enabling HotSync may cause duplicate Calendar, Contacts, Memos and
Tasks to be created.

1. On your Treo 650 smartphone, launch the Wireless Sync application
2. With your stylus, click the blue & white "Wireless Sync" menu bar
3. From the Setup menu, select Connection Settings.
4. Press the Advanced button at the bottom right
5. The box titled "Enable other sync apps" should be checked
6. Select the Advanced Settings OK
7. Select the Connection Settings OK
8. Now your Palm OS Treo 650 smartphone will handle Outlook corruptions

Outlook OLERR errors are a common everyday message for many Outlook users on
Windows and the Macintosh that could be precipitated by a number of faulty
settings or conditions within Outlook. For more information, see the
Palm Knowledge Library article ID 31167 titled "OLERR errors for other
troubleshooting ideas".

Ken Sax

Your Microsoft Outlook calendar is corrupted.

This answer is simple, and so is the simple but tedious solution.
Basically you need to delete the item which is corrupting your calendar.
But, you'll have no clue as to which item, out of hundreds of your default
calendar entries, that is corrupted and Microsoft Outlook provides no
working clues to help you. The manual solution is all that remains. The bad
news is this is supremely tedious because Microsoft supplies no debugging
or repair utilities worthy of mention for Microsoft Outlook. The good news
is that I don't know of anyone who failed to synchronize after following
the methodology below.

There are three basic manual approaches to solving the OLERR.
- Create a new copy of your Outlook Calendar to synchronize with
- MOVE all items to a new calendar & move them back one by one
- COPY all items to a new calendar & DELETE them on the default one by one

The simplest approach is to create a new copy of your default Outlook
calendar and use that new copy to synchronize with. Almost always, that new
copy of your default calendar will not be corrupted, Microsoft Outlook
being what it is. You can simply ignore your original default Microsoft
Outlook calendar from this point forward, or at least until the next
inevitable Microsoft Outlook calendar corruption.

The problem with this approach is, of course, that you never use your
default Outlook calendar ever again and that has its own set of issues.

The next approach is the one I recommend. Create a new copy of your default
Outlook calendar. Then, one by one, delete items on your default Outlook
calendar and synchronize after each item is deleted. It helps to be in
Category View when copying, moving, or deleting items. At some point, hours
into your quest, your default calendar will suddenly be freed of the
corrupted item and you can then copy back all the items previously deleted.
It would be nice if the rather useless repair feature of Outlook could find
its own corruptions, but that is basically what you are doing here

An alternative to the copy approach which is a bit faster, if not a bit
more risky, is to copy the default calendar and then DELETE every item on
the default calendar. Now synchronize. This almost always works as there is
nothing in the default calendar at this point. Then, one by one, tediously
move back each item from the copy of the default calendar back to the
default calendar and synchronize after each copy. At some point, your
calendar will suddenly reaffirm the original OLERR and you'll know what
item it is that was corrupting the Outlook calendar. Simply move back all
items other than that corrupted Microsoft Outlook calendar item and you're
back synchronizing as evolution had intended intelligent beings to do.

Solving this Microsoft Outlook OLERR is as simply and tedious as deleting
the exact item on the calendar which is causing the corruption.

Good luck, you'll need it.
Ken Sax

Brian Tillman

H. J. Fox said:
I guess it's because most Outlook users who don't actually suppot the
program, don't even know themselves how buggy the Outlook program is
when it
comes to writing consistent data files. Probably almost every Outlook
pst file
out there is corrupted one time or another.

If this were true, there'd be a lot more reports in the Outlook newsgroups.

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