Outlook trying to connect to strange server



I'm using Outlook 2003 running under XP home.
Every time Outlook starts, my virus checker (Kaspersky) reports

"The application C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE cannot establish connection with server Please check your internet connection settings. If you
have a firewall installed, check that the application avp.exe is
allowed internet access"

Well, avp.exe is the virus executable and it has internet access. the
ip quoted is registered at colospace.com.

I have scanned for Trojans and adware without finding anything.

Anyone any idea what's going on?


Posting from Peter Rogers

Replace NOSPAM with ntlworld to reply


Did you have a pop or hotmail account configured in that profile at any
I would try creating a new MAPI profile, and see if that resolves the

F. H. Muffman

Did you have a pop or hotmail account configured in that profile at any
I would try creating a new MAPI profile, and see if that resolves the

Why would that fix the issue? I mean, I am making an assumption that
someone running XP Home isn't likely to have an Exchange server.....

F. H. Muffman

I'm using Outlook 2003 running under XP home.
Every time Outlook starts, my virus checker (Kaspersky) reports

"The application C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE cannot establish connection with server Please check your internet connection settings. If you
have a firewall installed, check that the application avp.exe is
allowed internet access"

Well, avp.exe is the virus executable and it has internet access. the
ip quoted is registered at colospace.com.

I have scanned for Trojans and adware without finding anything.

Anyone any idea what's going on?

At what point does it do this? When you start outlook? Trying to open a
random email? Composing? Doing a send/receive?

How many accounts do you have configured in Outlook?


At what point does it do this? When you start outlook? Trying to open a
random email? Composing? Doing a send/receive?

As soon as I start Outlook
How many accounts do you have configured in Outlook?

13 accounts but only 10 are active

Posting from Peter Rogers

Replace NOSPAM with ntlworld to reply

F. H. Muffman

As soon as I start Outlook

13 accounts but only 10 are active

Does it happen if you go to Start - Run 'outlook /safe'?

Is Outlook configured to do a Send/Receive All when it starts?

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