Outlook using Word ---> What's up with the FONTS?????



I am using Outlook 2003 SP2 for email and using MS Word as my editor.
I have tried EVERYTHING and about to scream here!!! I have my
default font for everything set to Airal 10 Blue. When I am replying
to an email (HTML format) I start typing and it's all Arial 10 Blue.
Then I can do something like copy-and-paste a picture and when I get
below the picture and start typing my font is now Times New Roman 12
Black or something else. I set everything back and continue typing
and maybe jump below some of the original text and the font changes

Is there any way to FORCE Word thru Outlook to type in ONE font and
ONE size and ONE color all the time unless it is manually set to
something else? Sometimes the font size will be the only thing to
change, or the color, or it will just jump to some other font/size/
color that is not in my setup, not in the original message and has
never been used in the message.

And sometimes I can type in Arial 10 Blue and finish the message.
Then I see there are some 'extra' blank lines at the end of the email
message so I highlight them and delete them and my last paragraph
changes to some other font/size/color!!!! I understand HTML code and
know that removing some </font> thing at the end can change previous
text, but how come it changes to a font that's not even used in the

Often it seems to want to default to Times New Roman 12 Black and yet
all the font settings in my Word normal.dot and all my font settings
in Outlook (including reply fonts) are ALL set to Arial 12 Blue.

I would be happy if I could write a little VB macro to set my font to
Arial 10 Blue and assign it to a button on the toolbar so at least
when I need to change it I don't have to pick the drop down, find
Arial, select it, pick the drop down, find 10 and select it, then pick
the drop down, find blue and select it and then start typing again.



I have the same experience using Outlook as the editor. Sometimes I even
change the font and Outlook changes it back. It's rather frustrating. I don't
ever want to use Times New Roman voluntarily--it's unpleasant to look at.


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