Outlook view




I understand that you can no long see the 'diary week view' in 2007. This
is a real bummer as it is a much easier view for me because it showed the
appointment times next to the appointments.

If you have a large screen, it's incredibly annoying to have use the
columns. I either have to get a ruler out (as many in my office do) or open
each appointment. There is no simple print option either. I either get the
column print out view or lots of pages with the detail print view. Is there
a way that I can get appointment times up on the weekly view?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

For printing the old diary (planner) view, try the calendar printing

if you mean the times aren't showing up with the subject, the start time
only shows in the month view and if the window is wide is enough. If you
want a simple list by day with the start times, try a two week calendar:

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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