The default view has Mon-Fri set to a cetain size, with
Sat-Sun together filling the same size as each other day.
Even when you change your parameters for 'working week'
and 'first day of week' it has no affect on this display.
When you have multiple entries on Sat-Sun, you see the
first few and then have a 'more entries' tag.
Is there a way to change it so that Sat-Sun are 'normal'
size and two other days are 'half-size'?
Sat-Sun together filling the same size as each other day.
Even when you change your parameters for 'working week'
and 'first day of week' it has no affect on this display.
When you have multiple entries on Sat-Sun, you see the
first few and then have a 'more entries' tag.
Is there a way to change it so that Sat-Sun are 'normal'
size and two other days are 'half-size'?