in message
Why has microsoft failed to provide a solution to this problem?
It is clearly causing some frustration to vista users by the number
websites discussing the issue.
I have just purchased a new laptop with Vista installed. My Outlook
will not
retain the password and if I'd known before I would have stayed with
XP which
runs smoothly.
Are you going to reveal WHICH version of Outlook that you use or is it
a secret? If Outlook 2002/XP ...
Office 2002 will NOT remember passwords when ran under Windows Vista.
Office 2002 was coded to use pstore (protected storage) in the
registry to cache the login credentials for the e-mail accounts
defined in Outlook. pstore is no longer available under Windows Vista.
The registry keys are still there but are read-only so Outlook cannot
record your login credentials into those registry keys. The result is
that you will need to supply your login credentials for each e-mail
account that you have defined in Outlook for the first mail poll
performed by Outlook. After the first mail poll, the login credentials
are reused so you don't need to supply them again. However, if you
exit and reload Outlook then you need to supply the login credentials
for only the first mail poll.
Outlook 2003/2007 are coded to use either pstore or the newer DPAPI
(Data Protection Application Programming Interface; see Mainstream
support for Outlook 2002/XP died a couple years ago
( so there will be no
further feature changes, bug fixes, or enhancements to it which means
it will remain incompatible for use under Windows Vista.
I'm still using Outlook 2002. Another reason not to use Vista. You're
screwed unless to migrate to a pre-Vista Windows version or upgrade to
Outlook 2003 or 2007. Vista: where "better" is worse.