Outlook won't connect to Outlook Server After Security Update 823718


Jim D

After installing Micosoft Security Update 823718, I can no longer
connect to my company's Outlook Server through the Internet to
download or upload email. Prior to the security update, everything
worked fine for remote connection.

Anyone know how to fix this? HELP!!

The security update cannot be uninstalled. I've tried system restore
to a date prior to the security update to no avail.

greg mansius [MSFT]


Are you connecting to your network via VPN or directly through your ISP? If
you are not using VPN then your ISP has probably blocked port 135. You can
confirm this by using telnet (from a command prompt) over port 135 to your
Exchange server.

Telnet <public IP of your Exchange server> 135

If you receive a connection error then port 135 is definitely being blocked
between your client and the Exchange server. In this case your options would

1. use OWA
2. use VPN

Hope this helps.

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