Outlook wont open, process running


Nick Cunio

I removed from outlook but no help.
I could uninstall but I think it may be more than itunes.

Having looked at other programs I find that winword, excel, MYOB all have
multiple processes (adding one each time you open them but never
Other programs do close and remove from process.
Processes active svchost.exe about 10 copies (some local, some system some
Have tried to disable norton but no change to CPU activity which seems
excessive with no programs eccept task maager working

Any thoughts



Nick said:
I removed from outlook but no help.
I could uninstall but I think it may be more than itunes.

Having looked at other programs I find that winword, excel, MYOB all have
multiple processes (adding one each time you open them but never
Other programs do close and remove from process.
Processes active svchost.exe about 10 copies (some local, some system some
Have tried to disable norton but no change to CPU activity which seems
excessive with no programs eccept task maager working

Any thoughts


It sounds pretty bad. I would reinstall Windows and Office at this point
and *don't* reinstall Norton. Use Avast for an anti virus (free at
http://www.avast.com) and Comodo for a firewall
(http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/, also free).


Diane Poremsky {MVP}



Diane said:
Reinstalling windows is a bit overkill at this point.

The time he's already spent on the problem is more than it would take to
reinstall Windows.


Diane Poremsky {MVP}

I rebuild systems fairly often and it takes me at least 6 hours to get a
system back up with just the necessary apps - windows, office and a few
others I must have, then weeks more to get everything else reinstalled.
Plus, most people forget to backup a lot of files, like custom.dic and
templates - or it takes hours to backup music, photos and videos before they
can even think about reformatting.

If the problem just started and they have several days of system restore
points, a SR is worth trying.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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