Outlook XP and multiple POP3 addresses


Art Bain

All of our users have multiple POP3 accounts. Some of them
use the same mail server. Examples are:
Account Server
(e-mail address removed) mail.isp.com
(e-mail address removed) mail.isp.com

If both accounts are included in the send and receive
group, an "enter your password" dialog box pops up for one
of the accounts.

To get over this, I've included only those accounts that
have different mail servers in the send and receive group
for now. This was never a problem when we used Outlook
2000. Has this been corrected with a service pack or a
patch? Or is there another fix for this?


Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

I suspect that the problem is that your mail server only allows one
connection from a given machine at a time, and Outlook is trying to download
for all accounts simultaneously. If you can't get the server administrator
to change the policy and allow multiple logins from a single machine (and my
guess is you can't), you've hit upon the only solution I know of in Outlook
2002. In Outlook 2003, we added code to only make one connection at a time
to a given server, though Outlook will still make connections to as many
different servers as it can when downloading.

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