Martin Newman
I thought I underrtood this Outlook attachments security thing. I have a
copy of OL XP running against a Exchnage 2000 server. OL is patched
I have used one of the security tweaking tools to tell OL to be able to get
at exe files etc. I have checked that the tool has tweaked the Level1remove
registry entry as required.
However, Outlook perisistently refueses to let me get at .eml attachments
even though that is the very way that Exchange sends you a copy of the
offending messgae with an NDR. I have not had this on other OL/'E2000
installations. In any case EML does not seem to be on the list of
level1/level2 expensions. just for safety I have manually added it to that
registry key that controls level1/level2 stuff, all to no avail.
ANy ideas
copy of OL XP running against a Exchnage 2000 server. OL is patched
I have used one of the security tweaking tools to tell OL to be able to get
at exe files etc. I have checked that the tool has tweaked the Level1remove
registry entry as required.
However, Outlook perisistently refueses to let me get at .eml attachments
even though that is the very way that Exchange sends you a copy of the
offending messgae with an NDR. I have not had this on other OL/'E2000
installations. In any case EML does not seem to be on the list of
level1/level2 expensions. just for safety I have manually added it to that
registry key that controls level1/level2 stuff, all to no avail.
ANy ideas