Outlook XP fonts & IE8 Beta



I recently ran into a problem where I could not change my font type, size, or
color in new outgoing HTML body portion of emails. I finally found that the
ACCESSIBILITY options for the IE8 Beta I was using were causing the problem.
Has anyone else run into this, possibly with a different version of Outlook?
I don't remember IE7 having this problem. Now I'm wondering what else IE8
Beta might be interfering with!

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Why would you post this issue here? Why would you not post it in your IE8
beta group? Why would you be using IE8 beta with a product that is no longer
even supported by Microsoft?


I recently ran into a problem where I could not change my font type, size, or
color in new outgoing HTML body portion of emails. I finally found that the
ACCESSIBILITY options for the IE8 Beta I was using were causing the problem.
Has anyone else run into this, possibly with a different version of Outlook?
I don't remember IE7 having this problem. Now I'm wondering what else IE8
Beta might be interfering with!

This group discusses the *released* versions of Internet Explorer.
There is no "beta" in the name of this group. Go visit the group that
discusses the beta version. To use Microsoft's webnews-for-dummies
interface (which demands that scripting be enabled) to visit the
Internet Explorer beta group, go to:


A much better solution is to use a newsreader (e.g., Outlook Express,
Thunderbird, Forte Agent, 40tude Dialog, XanaNews, Xnews). If you do
not have or do not want to use your own NNTP (Network News Transfer
Protocol) server, connect your newsreader to:


Then go visit the Internet Explorer *BETA* group at:


Remember that YOU voluntarily chose to sacrifice the stability and
usability of your host by installing and using *betaware*.


Yes, I know Outlook XP is no longer supported. I posted it here only since
Outlook is where the symptom first showed up! I now know that Outlook XP is
not the only version to be affected or the only application affected! Good
thing I'm no longer buying Microsoft products. Options in one program
changing or over-riding options in other programs is just poor software
coding plain and simple. And yes IE7 causes the same problem if anyone cares!

Russ Valentine said:
Why would you post this issue here? Why would you not post it in your IE8
beta group? Why would you be using IE8 beta with a product that is no longer
even supported by Microsoft?
Russ Valentine
mrlindsay said:
I recently ran into a problem where I could not change my font type, size,
color in new outgoing HTML body portion of emails. I finally found that
ACCESSIBILITY options for the IE8 Beta I was using were causing the
Has anyone else run into this, possibly with a different version of
I don't remember IE7 having this problem. Now I'm wondering what else IE8
Beta might be interfering with!

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