Outlook XP Pro Won't open



I've been using Outlook XP Pro for sometime, then
suddenly when I tried to open the program I received an
error msg indicating that Outlook cannot start
because "no profiles have been created." I'm instructed
to create a profile using the Mail icon in control
panel. When I check the Mail icon, my profile is
present. I've deleted and created a new profile,
unistalled the entire Office XP Pro suite, and looked
into the registry (without changes), but I can't seem to
figure why the program won't open. Anyone with a
suggestion or solution? I do not connect to a microsoft
exchange server. Please help. I still have my archive,
and Outlook.pst files.


1) try running scanpst.exe on your Personal Folder

2) try renaming outcmd.dat to .old and restart Outlook. All the Toolbars
will reset then. This is quite a common problem with Outlook . The default
location for this file is:
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application

3) try recreating the profile in Control Panel-> Mail-> button Show Profiles

4) try running Outlook with the /safe switch from your Start-> Run window.
When this works run Help-> Detect and Repair

5) try disabling individual add-ons in Tools-> Options-> tab Other-> button
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Roady: I tried #2&3. None worked. I don't understand
how to run #1 & 4. Do I type "outlook/safe" in the "run"
window? If so, that didn't work either. I can't run #5,
since I cannot open Outlook at all. When I click on the
Outlook icon I received the error message that it can't
open because the profile isn't present. I've recreated
the profile several times, with a different name each
time. None of these seem to work. Other ideas?

Thanks for your help. I appreciate your reply.


Scanpst.exe is in C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI/<locale id> by

The run command should look like (depends on your location of Outlook.exe)
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE" /safe

You can also start the repair by inserting your Office CD, start the setup
and choose Repair; you'll need your CD anyway ;-)
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Tried all of the options you presented. None have
worked. No errors in .pst, ran detect and repair several
times, recreated numerous profiles. Nothing seems to

When I try and open Outlook, these are the error messages
I receive: 1) "No profile has been created. To create a
new profile, use the Mail icon in the Control Panel." 2)"
Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Unable to open the
Outlook window. The server is not available. Contact
your system administrator if this condition persists."

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