Art Holeflatter
Question for the wise folks around here. I'm another one of those people who use Outlook XP (OXP) for my serious contact manager, calendar, meetings etc. I got into the habit of using it while working as a computer consultant at various companies. The product is so ubiquitous that I decided years ago to settle with Outlook proper as I could be compatible at most work sites, my palm pilot and at home.
The problem is, I do cruse the Usenet Newsgroups and while I'm not downloading tones of binary files (esp. with only a 24Kbs connection) but I do surf a lot of groups. I hate having to use Outlook proper as my contact manager and then have to turn around and use Outlook express or Forte's Agent or some other software to cruse newsgroups, most likely gathering information I'll stick into Outlook proper in some form or another. Sorry but this is a long winded way of asking.
Can I either enhance Outlook Express to the point that it's a decent contact manager/organizer or can I stay with Outlook XP (which is what I want) and some how browse, read and download newsgroups?
Thank you and sorry for the long windedness.
PS. For bonus points and two extra points on the Karmic Wheel answer these 2 bonus questions. :0)
1. In Outlook Express when I select 2 or more messages and download/decode/combine them, when OE's done it opens a new single message window with the entire message like it should. BUT almost all the time it starts to (or at least it says it's) "Checking the message for Hyper-links" along the bottom. During this time, averaging 3-12 minutes it essentially freezes OE and the single message window it has opened. It starts gobbling CPU cycles and RAM at the same time. Any one know how to stop Outlook Express from check for hyperlinks in new messages? "I do run Download Accelerator v7 and other Mickey mouse tweaking apps but I don't think it is any of them." Suggestions, ideas, help, prayers whatever will be joyfully accepted.
2. With many binary files being encoded with that goofy yENC encoding scheme they use a lot now a days, often when I combine and decode several messages in OE, it opens the new window and in the message area is the entire binary gobbly goop code and in the subject is the name of what the attachment should be but it's grayed out and I can't download it. (Before you say it, Yes I can download other/all other types of attachments) . It's like it downloaded each message, grabbed them all and combined them but didn't finish the job of actually decoding the entire message and turning it into an attachment.
Any idea what's going on here? Is there a 3rd party add on that deals better with various binary encoding schemes? Or is there something I'm missing in OE it self?
Once again, any person kind enough to answer all these questions deserves a big brownie point and if you're in the north-western part of Florida, USA. I'll even buy you a beer. Free, no charge, 0 dollars and like it wouldn't cost you a dime. :0)
The problem is, I do cruse the Usenet Newsgroups and while I'm not downloading tones of binary files (esp. with only a 24Kbs connection) but I do surf a lot of groups. I hate having to use Outlook proper as my contact manager and then have to turn around and use Outlook express or Forte's Agent or some other software to cruse newsgroups, most likely gathering information I'll stick into Outlook proper in some form or another. Sorry but this is a long winded way of asking.
Can I either enhance Outlook Express to the point that it's a decent contact manager/organizer or can I stay with Outlook XP (which is what I want) and some how browse, read and download newsgroups?
Thank you and sorry for the long windedness.
PS. For bonus points and two extra points on the Karmic Wheel answer these 2 bonus questions. :0)
1. In Outlook Express when I select 2 or more messages and download/decode/combine them, when OE's done it opens a new single message window with the entire message like it should. BUT almost all the time it starts to (or at least it says it's) "Checking the message for Hyper-links" along the bottom. During this time, averaging 3-12 minutes it essentially freezes OE and the single message window it has opened. It starts gobbling CPU cycles and RAM at the same time. Any one know how to stop Outlook Express from check for hyperlinks in new messages? "I do run Download Accelerator v7 and other Mickey mouse tweaking apps but I don't think it is any of them." Suggestions, ideas, help, prayers whatever will be joyfully accepted.
2. With many binary files being encoded with that goofy yENC encoding scheme they use a lot now a days, often when I combine and decode several messages in OE, it opens the new window and in the message area is the entire binary gobbly goop code and in the subject is the name of what the attachment should be but it's grayed out and I can't download it. (Before you say it, Yes I can download other/all other types of attachments) . It's like it downloaded each message, grabbed them all and combined them but didn't finish the job of actually decoding the entire message and turning it into an attachment.
Any idea what's going on here? Is there a 3rd party add on that deals better with various binary encoding schemes? Or is there something I'm missing in OE it self?
Once again, any person kind enough to answer all these questions deserves a big brownie point and if you're in the north-western part of Florida, USA. I'll even buy you a beer. Free, no charge, 0 dollars and like it wouldn't cost you a dime. :0)