output to rft



I've got an Access report with subreports - that I need to output to Word. The problem is that the output wraps differently. So a record with 3 lines in the Access report, takes 4 lines in the Word output - and truncates after the 3rd line. What can I do to have the whole field display in the output?

Rick Brandt

Barbara said:
I've got an Access report with subreports - that I need to output to
Word. The problem is that the output wraps differently. So a record with 3
lines in the Access report, takes 4 lines in the Word output - and
truncates after the 3rd line. What can I do to have the whole field
display in the output?

The "Export to RTF" utility is basically unreliable when used against
TextBoxes with CanGrow enabled. You can tweak and refine until it *looks*
fixed, but you will find out later on that with different data that has
line-breaks in different locations that the problems return. I pretty much
never use RTF output any more except for very simple tabular data.

I would use Snapshot format or PDF.

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