outputting real values with dot instead of comma


T. S.

Hi there.
I am trying to write real values to a file, but excel always uses a
comma instead of a dot as delimiter.

Dim outfile As String
Open outfile For Output As #1
print #1, 5/2
print #1, 7/5
close #1

test.txt contains:

Dave Peterson

Untested, but I bet that excel picks up the decimal setting from Windows (under
control panel|regional settings applet).

But you could force things to be text:
print #1, replace(format(5/2,"0.00"),".",",")

Replace was added in xl2k. If you're using xl97, you could use:
print #1, application.substitute(format(5/2,"0.00"),".",",")

Gord Dibben

If running 2002 or 2003 you can also change the separators under

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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