OutputTo chopping off records




I have the following command to output a report to a text file:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "web output - clergy", acFormatTXT, "x:\CL.txt"

Just a few of the 600 records (maybe 30) are chopped off, at random
positions within the record. The problem is not caused by the data, it's just
normal text produced from a query.

It may have something to do with record length. I have lots of similar
outputs with record lengths less than 150 characters, all work perfectly. The
records in this output are all over 150 characters - but it's not the longest
records that get chopped off.

The only consistent thing is that it always chops at a space, for example in
a telephone number, post code or address. If you remove the space from the
record, the chopping off moves back along the record to the previous space.

Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a fix?



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