Overallocation problem



I am entering tasksthen assign them to an individual. Forexample when the
start dates of tasks are same. Ms project occupies same hour for two tasks.
It puts 2 hour work for example 11:00 a.m. I do not understand how to solve
it. Please help.

Gérard Ducouret


Try the resource leveling:

Tools / Level Resources / Level Now

If you check the "Level only within available slack" option, that means that
you forbid the software to delay the project finish date.

Gérard Ducouret


I try, but it does not do anything. I try to handle it manually. However
each time I open the project, I suppose it allocates times according to
itself. Also even total time equals 1hour, it shows that in red poffff.

Gérard Ducouret


Almost al of your task have date constraint. That feature gets down the
possibility of leveling.
Many of them have Actual Start : ...gets down the possibility of leveling
In fact, the different overallocation perirod don't last more than 1 day,
while you set the overallocation algorhytme on a week by week basis : so Ms
Project considers it has nothing to do.

Gérard Ducouret

Mike Glen

Hi Burcu,

If your project is anything like the one you posted earlier, then it's full
of constraints which don't allow Project to use the flexibility it needs.
Select all the tasks, then Project/Task Information/Advanced tab and select
the constraint to be "As Soon As Possible". Now try levelling.

You might like to have a look at my series of Microsoft Project lessons in
the TechTrax ezine at this site:

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Thank you for your help. I mostly solve the problem by levelling as Mike
suggests.But if we have deadlines and finish no later than constraints, is
it better to make a baseline plan and then set every task ASAP then make
levelling or something else? is it so basic question to ask?.:)

Mike Glen

Hi Burcu,

You should use constraints as little as possible. If you have deadlines,
use the setting for that in the Task Information/Advanced tab. If you're
running late, it's no use preventing Project from telling you so by putting
in a Finish constraint. Much better to let Project tell you when you will
now finish and you can then adjust your plan accordingly, using the Deadline
as your marker.

Hope this helps. :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Steve House

"Finish no later than" constraints are NOT the best way to express
deadlines. One uses Project to figure out just what it is you have to
do in order to make those deadlines. A FNLT constraint always shows you
finishing on time, even if the plan as you've designed it is such that
it is actually impossible for you to do so. If your tasks move later in
the plan when you remove the constraint, that's your cue that if you try
to work the plan exactly as you designed it, you WILL finish late and be
in trouble. I believe the best practice is to let Project freely place
the tasks where it calculates they will go, ie, no constraints, and
indicate your deadlines with the Deadline field. This marks the date
you must hit on the Gantt chart but the task shows where it WILL fall
with your present work plan, whether on time or late. If your plan will
have you finish after that deadline date it red-flags it for you. Then
you adjust the tasks preceeding the deadline, adding resources or
adjusting their links, etc, to short the chain leading up to the
deadline until the late task moves forward to meet the deadline
required. This gives you a model you can use to experiment with plan
options and design one that will actually let you come in on time and
under budget.

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