Overdue Reminders Freezing Program



I am having trouble with Outlook 2000. Early this morning I copied contacts
into a new folder and deleted the contracts that weren't working.

Then all of a sudden the screen started filling up with overdue reminders -
879 too be exact and it continually freezes up Outlook and shuts itself down.
How can I shut the reminders off before they start popping and closing

K. Orland

Try opening Outlook with the /cleanreminders switch:

Start > Run > outlook.exe /cleanreminders

Good luck. Let me know if that helps or not.


When I type that in my run I get an error message that
outlook.exe/cleanreminders can't be found.

What I did do after the thirtieth time of freezing and rebooting the
computer was to go into tools/options/other/advanced and turn off reminders.
However, at some point I am going to have to figure this out.

K. Orland

Did you type that as you typed it here? If so, you have a mistake in the
syntax and that would be why it didn't work.

Note: after cleaning up your contacts, did you return them to their original
folder? Why did you move them?


Yes, just as I typed it in my message.

You said: outlook.exe /cleanreminders
I typed: outlook.exe/cleanreminders

Is there supposed to be a space between exe and /?

K. Orland

Yes there is supposed to be a space, as I indicated in the command when I
typed it out. Please try again and let me know if that works.


That ran. Thank you. I guess I'll go in and change the settings back to
show reminders and see what pops up. Thank you again.

Brian Tillman

Lynn said:
When I type that in my run I get an error message that
outlook.exe/cleanreminders can't be found.

That's because you didn't include the space in front of the slash.

outlook.exe /cleanreminders

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