Here is the SQL statement.
SELECT [Fiscal 2005 Price File OFFICIAL V1].NIIN, [Fiscal 2005 Price File
OFFICIAL V1].[ACT-CD], [Fiscal 2005 Price File OFFICIAL V1].[2005 LAC], [FY04
Std Exc LAC LRC].[2004 LAC Amt], [Fiscal 2005 Price File OFFICIAL V1]![2005
LAC]-[FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC]![2004 LAC Amt] AS [LAC Difference], ([Fiscal 2005
Price File OFFICIAL V1]![2005 LAC]-[FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC]![2004 LAC
Amt])/[FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC]![2004 LAC Amt] AS [LAC % Change], [Fiscal 2005
Price File OFFICIAL V1].[2005 LRC], [FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC].[2004 LRC Amt],
[Fiscal 2005 Price File OFFICIAL V1]![2005 LRC]-[FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC]![2004
LRC Amt] AS [LRC Difference], ([Fiscal 2005 Price File OFFICIAL V1]![2005
LRC]-[FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC]![2004 LRC Amt])/[FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC]![2004 LRC
Amt] AS [LRC % Change]
FROM [Fiscal 2005 Price File OFFICIAL V1] INNER JOIN [FY04 Std Exc LAC LRC]
You mean, other than to "not" do the divide by zero at all? < g >
Post the SQL statement of the query and identify where you think the error
is occurring.