



In a table containing my book's data I have created a field containing
the path to the cover of any single book (a jpg file, maximum 30kb).
In the form there an image control: here is displayed (record after
record) the very small image of the cover (2,3 x 1,6 inches).
The problem: after that I have updated approximately 15 records
selecting the jpg of the cover there is an alert message indicating only
I have to compact the DB and after I can continue for the next 15 books.
I have Access 2000 with WP Professional with 2GB of RAM.

What can I do to solve the problem ?

Thank you,



A few thoughts / questions:

The most common sources of a problem like this is putting the images into an
OLE field. It sounds like you doing this a better way (i.e. that you are
just putting the picture path and file names in a text field) but if not,
then that is the likely sources of the problem.

The picture size should not be an issue, but the fact that you are talking
about the display size of the image rather than the actual image size (in
pixels) leads me to believe that you may not be aware of the latter. If
these are from a digital the are probably very large. You probably may want
to get some image software where you could see those numbers and resample.

Is your database (file size) getting huge?

Where is the error message coming from? (Access, the OS etc.)


Fred ha scritto:
A few thoughts / questions:

The most common sources of a problem like this is putting the images into an
OLE field. It sounds like you doing this a better way (i.e. that you are
just putting the picture path and file names in a text field) but if not,
then that is the likely sources of the problem.
I have just a text field with the path of the image; no OLE field.
The picture size should not be an issue, but the fact that you are talking
about the display size of the image rather than the actual image size (in
pixels) leads me to believe that you may not be aware of the latter. If
these are from a digital the are probably very large. You probably may want
to get some image software where you could see those numbers and resample.
The maximum image size is approximately 200x300 pixel; images comes from
Internet sites of book seller and are really very small.
Is your database (file size) getting huge?
The DB was 1.8 MB without images and now, with 316 images, is 2.7 MB: I
think is absolutely normal.
Where is the error message coming from? (Access, the OS etc.)
The error message comes from Access.

Thank you,


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