Gary Wheeler
I've transitioned from Pub2000 to Pub2003. I know better
than to overlap a nice JPEG image onto a solid background
color or it will all be posted as a pathetic looking GIF.
However, in Pub2003, a page with nice JPEG atop a larger
solid-fill rectangle previews in Explorer 6 beautifully!
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. But same page
previewed in Netscape 7.1 displays crummy GIF as in the
old days. Design Checker in Pub2003 no longer alerts to
such overlapped objects as it does in Pub2000, so I'm
puzzled. Can someone clarify what (if anything) is
different in Pub2003 re. this? E-mail me at: go(remove
this)[email protected]
than to overlap a nice JPEG image onto a solid background
color or it will all be posted as a pathetic looking GIF.
However, in Pub2003, a page with nice JPEG atop a larger
solid-fill rectangle previews in Explorer 6 beautifully!
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. But same page
previewed in Netscape 7.1 displays crummy GIF as in the
old days. Design Checker in Pub2003 no longer alerts to
such overlapped objects as it does in Pub2000, so I'm
puzzled. Can someone clarify what (if anything) is
different in Pub2003 re. this? E-mail me at: go(remove
this)[email protected]