Is there a way to formulate which portion of a day's hours worked ar
overtime hours? Here is an example. I'm looking for a formula for th
overtime (col.F) that will sum any hourly values (col.E) over 40 hrs fo
the same week, with Monday being the first day of the week. I've trie
using SUMIF, SUMPRODUCT, LOOKUP, WEEKNUM, etc., but I'm a newbie so i
never works
. Also the workweek is not always the same so I can'
just sum a set 5-cell range.
Date Day TimeIn Time Out Total Hrs. Overtime
8/01 Mon 2:56p 1:53a 10.95
8/02 Tue 2:58p 1:25a 10.45
8/03 Wed 5:00p 10:15p 5.25
8/04 Thu 4:45p 11:15p 6.50
8/05 Fri 3:08p 1:04a 9.93 3.08
8/06 Sat 4:07p 11:04p 6.95 6.95
8/07 Sun 2:59p 1:31a 10.53 10.53
8/09 Tue 4:50p 9:48p 4.96
8/10 Wed 3:10p 12:55a 9.75
8/11 Thu 4:57p 10:30p 5.55
8/12 Fri 3:09p 3:32a 12.38
8/14 Sun 3:04p 1:14a 10.16 2.81
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overtime hours? Here is an example. I'm looking for a formula for th
overtime (col.F) that will sum any hourly values (col.E) over 40 hrs fo
the same week, with Monday being the first day of the week. I've trie
using SUMIF, SUMPRODUCT, LOOKUP, WEEKNUM, etc., but I'm a newbie so i
never works
just sum a set 5-cell range.
Date Day TimeIn Time Out Total Hrs. Overtime
8/01 Mon 2:56p 1:53a 10.95
8/02 Tue 2:58p 1:25a 10.45
8/03 Wed 5:00p 10:15p 5.25
8/04 Thu 4:45p 11:15p 6.50
8/05 Fri 3:08p 1:04a 9.93 3.08
8/06 Sat 4:07p 11:04p 6.95 6.95
8/07 Sun 2:59p 1:31a 10.53 10.53
8/09 Tue 4:50p 9:48p 4.96
8/10 Wed 3:10p 12:55a 9.75
8/11 Thu 4:57p 10:30p 5.55
8/12 Fri 3:09p 3:32a 12.38
8/14 Sun 3:04p 1:14a 10.16 2.81
|Filename: Untitled.jpg
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=3747