Overwriting published project plans in Project Server 2007


Ivor Davies

Is it possible to overwrite published project plans in Project Server 2007 -
I know that this could not be done in Project Server 2003?

Here is the scenario - I have an external vendor who is maintaining the
project plan for one of my projects. They make their updates and then send me
the project plan (via email).

I would like to take this plan and save it OVER the plan that I already have
published in EPM.

Is this possible?

Please advise ASAP...

Thank You.


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


If you're publishing the plan for viewing only on the server, then I suppose
you're OK doing this. If you're accepting updates to the plan via PWA
internally, then you're asking for trouble. A better approach is to expose
PWA to the vendor so that they can update their tasks, or maintain a plan
that contains the vendor tasks only, and link other plans to specific


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting: http://www.msprojectexperts.com
For Project Server FAQS: http://www.projectserverexperts.com

Ivor Davies

Thanks Gary - Yes the plan would only be for viewing status, no internal
resources would be reporting time or activity against ... all activity is
done externally with the Vendor.

So it is possible to SAVE OVER a published project plan in Project Server
2007, since this could not be done in Project Server 2003.

Thanks so much!


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