Overwritten File...



For the first btime this morning a message poped up asking
me..if I wanted to replace a file...when I said no it
wouldn't let me close out. So, then I clicked yes ...and
the whole file was deleted...I've tried all day to get it
back...Is there somewhere else I should lokk to restore
file? If anyone can help...you would had made my whole

Richard Choate

You should have saved it as something else if you were unsure, giving
yourself time to research. Once you said "Yes", you saved over whatever file
youused to have with that name. The file that got saved over is not coming
back, unless you are at a company with a tape backup or similar. Hopefully,
you had another copy of that file somewhere. Otherwise, you're toast. It is
not a live and learn situation. It is this type of thing that taught us all
to be vigilant in our efforts to not lose work. I personally keep about 3
recent copies of any working file on my PC, and other copies off of my hard
drive. That work just takes too long to re-do, and it feels terrible.
Richard Choate

For the first btime this morning a message poped up asking
me..if I wanted to replace a file...when I said no it
wouldn't let me close out. So, then I clicked yes ...and
the whole file was deleted...I've tried all day to get it
back...Is there somewhere else I should lokk to restore
file? If anyone can help...you would had made my whole

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