Overzealous "Save-as" feature



Everytime I hit the delete key, my computer automatically opens the
save as feature, and I either have to resave or change something in
the name text box and then hit cancel. If i don't change the text in
the box and hit cancel, the Save as box will reappear. Recently, Word
has started opening the "Save as" feature everytime I hit the return
key and space bar. This hasn't been a problem for the whole time i've
had Word, but only for about a year or so. I have no idea what could
be causing this, but it's really getting to be a problem. Any ideas?

Daiya Mitchell

Are you on a Mac?

Delete is right next to F12 (on my keyboard, anyhow), which Word sets as
default for Save As. It's possible you are accidentally hitting it, but
what about the return and space bar?

One approach--go into Tools | Customize Keyboard. Find the FileSaveAs
command, and clear any shortcut key assignments.

Diagnostic tricks--

1) is this an external keyboard? Try plugging in a different one and
seeing if the same things happens. Try cleaning the keyboard.

2) when you login, hold down the shift key, which will prevent your
login programs from running. If the problem stops, one of them was
causing a conflict.

3) Create a new user in Mac OS X and see if the same thing happens. If
not, then something is messed up in your user account.


I tried the tools customize keyboard option, which was effective. I
have an older powerbook G4 and i guess the keys are stickier than i
imagined. Thanks for your help!

Daiya Mitchell

Glad that worked.

I have a 2004 powerbook G4 and I'm not seeing any keyboard misbehavior,
just by the way. You might try those cans of compressed air to blow it out.

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