OWC 10 fail in createobject




My server use OWC 10 and ASP, and they work well. But one day, mayby I
change something wrong. They can't work correctly.
Like this:

Server Object Error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject fail

/Z/YY/XXX.asp£¬Line 96

Invalid ProgID


I Should set some access rights in shared files? Or anything else?



Thao Moua [ms]

Can you be more specific on the line of code that is
causing the problem? Can you describe what you did
before the error occured? Did you update Office, delete
a file, etc.

Thao Moua
OWC Webchart Support

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Thanks, Thao:

Before the problem, I change the access rights on Drice C, not update
Office, not Delete all files.
After the problem occured, I restore all rights with Drice C, and be same
with my local server. OWC 10 on local server is well. So I think the problem
maybe relative with right of files. I reinstall OWC 10, and fix OWC 10, but
still not work.
I use REGSVR32 to regist OWC10.dll, successful, but regist OWCI10.dll,
failure. This DLL is loaded, and can't find entry point.
That's all.

Thanks again.


Alvin Bruney

Do you have access to a tool like Depends.exe which ships with visual
studio. If you do, run it on owc10.dll. It shows the dependencies. You will
want to re-register your dependency dll's and then register the owc10.dll.
See if this helps

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