OWC 10 Pivot Print



I have a web page with an OWC version 10 component that uses the pivot
print htc. I can preview the data up to four times, on the fifth try I
recieve an Internet Explorer error that shuts down the asp page and
Excel. I can print the data up to two times, on the third try I also
recieve the error.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem and if so, is there a fix?

Development Environment: InterDev 6.0
Pivot Table: OWC version 10
PivotPrint.dll: Office XP Web Component Toolpack
SQL Server: SQL Server 2000
Web Browser: IE6 - sp: 6.0.2800.1106
Office: Office 2000 Professional - sp 3
Window: Windows 2000 - sp3
Error Information: AppName: iexplore.exe, AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106,
ModName: ntdll.dll, ModVer: 5.0.2195.5400, Offset: 0004bee8

Thank you



I also tested the Office XP Web Component Toolpack sample and get the
same error using the sample pivot print htm.

I have installed Office XP on a test machine instead of using Office
2000 and get the same error (Windows 2000 - sp3)

I have rebuilt the dll (quite a challenge finding and using the new
UUID!), removed the IObjSafe.tlb from the dll, tested the dll with just
print, tested the dll with just preview, tested the dll with just
copying the contents of the owc out to Excel. I continue to get errors
regardless of the steps taken.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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