OWC 10 Spreadsheet Component Tool Bar not active


Brian Hman

Most of my users can use the Spreadsheet and Pivot table web component
for Office XP (version 10) just fine. Some of my users can see the data but
the tool bar is not active. They can see the toolbar for these
components--they just can't click on any of the buttons.

I tried following the recommended steps in this kb article: 280662, but they
are still having the same issue. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

Brian Hman

Alvin Bruney [MVP - ASP.NET]

This is either an installation is. A re-installation of the components will
fix the issue.

Alvin Bruney - ASP.NET MVP

[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
Now available @ www.lulu.com/owc, Amazon.com etc

Wei-Dong XU [MSFT]

Hi Brian,

How's everything going now?

If some buttons are disabled, that may mean the Office web component
doesn't have checked one licensed office installation in the client box.
This kb article introduces more information regarding this:
288729 OFFXP: General Information About Licensing and Using Office XP Web

Furthermore, if you have Office 2003 CD, please install the OWC 11.0 in the
CD at the clients. This version OWC will not have the license checking.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any question. It is my pleasure
to be of any assistance.

Best Regards,
Wei-Dong XU
Microsoft Product Support Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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