I do understand what a cube is

perhaps i should explain myself a bit further
I am currently working on a project where i need to create a
between a cube and Business Scorecard manager to synch the library of
The initial works without a hitch.
Now, every kpi has a number of reportviews, which in itself are just
owc11 graphs etc.
My question is how can i programmatically, from scratch create a owc 11
I've gotten so far as creating a chartspace, assigning it a datasource
(pivottable), creating the chart etc.
The problem i have is that i haven't succeeded in getting the right cube
dimensions on the right axis and the whole settting up filters (including
members) doesn't really seem to work for me.
If you look at the xml of a web component (the one created inside the bsm
builder), you will see that on the datasource level there is a listing of
pivot fields, while the one i create programmatically has no such listing.
I did however find a work around, allowing me to work of a set of template
graphs, ajusting the filter (included member) of the graph.
So, any help on the above would be appreciated
Kind regards
Alvin Bruney said:
A cube doesn't contain a graph. A cube contains multi-dimensional data.
you do with that data is totally up to you, chart it, excel it, pivot it
etc. One good approach is to bind the spreadsheet to the data your are
interested in and then bind a chart to the spreadsheet. you can do this
minimal code and no change to the data cube.
Warm regards,
Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]
[Shameless Author plug]
Professional VSTO.NET - Wrox/Wiley
The O.W.C. Black Book with .NET, Amazon
FrederikM said:
can anyone provide me with any examples around
programmatically creating office web component charts on
a analysis 2005 cube?
Ideally these examples would cover anything from datasources, to
inner pivot tables to graphs themselves
Kind regards