Hi Lucas,
Thank you for posting in MSDN managed newsgroup!
From my understanding to this question, you are going to set the cell color for your pivottable. This feature is supported in OWC.
In the pivottable control, you can directly right-click the cell which contains the data and then select the "Commands and Opinions..." item. The
window "Commands and Opinions" will pop up, in the format tab, you can configure the cell background and font color.
Furthermore, you can also change the cell color programmatically. There is one sample code for you which will set the background color for all the
data cells and set the background color and forecolor of header.
'Code begin --------------------------------------------------------
'oPivot stands for the PivotTable component
Dim oConst
Dim oView
Set oConst = oPivot.Constants
Set oView= oPivot.ActiveView
'Set the background color to all the data cells
oView.TotalBackColor= "white"
'Set the header backgroundColor and ForeColor
oView.HeaderBackColor= "#FFCC00"
oView.HeaderForeColor= "Black"
'Code end --------------------------------------------------------
Furthermore, in the 6th sample of Pivottable from the officeXP web component toolkit, you can use custom grouping to arrange the data and then
sepcify one color for them. I list the sample code for this below which will provide some assistance for you. In addition, you can also find all the
source code for this sample from the PTDemo.htm file located in by default.
'Code begin ---------------------------------------------------------
function showAdhocGrouping()
'Define one grouping for the related Fields
pf = RowAxis.FieldSets("Store").AddCustomGroupField("District", "District", RowAxis.FieldSets("Store").Fields("Store City"))
'Set the background color
pf.GroupedBackColor = "#DACACA";
'Code end ----------------------------------------------------------
You can also search the office web component object reference with the phrase "color " plus the component name, for example "color pivotfield"
etc. This way, it will be very simple for you to locate the different color properties for the objects in pivottable.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.
Does this answer your question? Thank you for using Microsoft NewsGroup!
Wei-Dong Xu
Microsoft Product Support Services
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