OWC 11 Question about how to have x-axis great than zero


Peter Lim

Hi this question is a bit involved.

I am currently using OWC 11 to replicate an image of a chart in a word
This chart has the x-axis crossing the y-axis at value 100 on the y-axis.
Now moving the y-axis so far hasn't been a problem however the problem I have
been facing is that in a Column Clustered Chart all Columns seem to still
start from 0 when they should be starting out at the x-axis that is
currenting intersecting the y axis at 100. Another weird thing I've seen is
that if I change the type of the column to a Line Chart it seems to behave
correctly. Is there anyway I can resolve this?

Just as an illustration this is what's happening:

200 -|

100 -|______________________________________
0 -|__| |_________________________________

Instead of what I want to happen which is:

200 -|

100 -|_______________________________________
0 -|_______________________________________

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