Using Pivot 11 with asp.net 2 working VS2005 has no problem in my
pc(local) but if i run this from an external pc in the network or WEB
he can't see Data provider.
Can anyone help on this ?
My aspx goes like this
<%@ page Language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EL" "http://
<script runat="server">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Sprider Sales Vs Budget</title>
<OBJECT ID="PTable" CLASSID="CLSID:0002E55a-0000-0000-
WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="60%">
<script language=vbscript>
Dim c ,t 'For PivotTable constants.
Dim oView
Dim sResults
Dim aStates
Function Window_OnLoad()
Set c = PTable.Constants
'Connect to the data source.
PTable.UseRemoteProvider = true
PTable.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=E:\My Access\test.mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
PTable.DataMember = "MonthSales"
Set oView = PTable.ActiveView
Set Chart1Title = oView.TitleBar
' Set the caoption for the title.
Chart1Title.Caption = "Sales Vs Budget"
'Add Dimensions to the column, row, and filter axes.
oView.ColumnAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Yr")
oView.FieldSets("Yr").Fields(0).Caption = "Year"
oView.ColumnAxis.DisplayEmptyMembers = True
oView.ColumnAxis.FieldSets("Yr").Fields(0).Subtotals(1) = false
oView.RowAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Store")
oView.RowAxis.DisplayEmptyMembers = true
oView.FilterAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Mont")
oView.DataAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Sales")
' aStates = Array("Cleared", "Checked", "Gray")
oView.DataAxis.InsertTotal oView.AddTotal("Sum of Sales",
oView.Totals("Sum of Sales").NumberFormat= "$#,##0"
oView.FieldLabelBackColor = "Lavender"
oView.TotalBackColor = "White"
oView.HeaderBackColor = "Gold"
End Function
pc(local) but if i run this from an external pc in the network or WEB
he can't see Data provider.
Can anyone help on this ?
My aspx goes like this
<%@ page Language="VB" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EL" "http://
<script runat="server">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Sprider Sales Vs Budget</title>
<OBJECT ID="PTable" CLASSID="CLSID:0002E55a-0000-0000-
WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="60%">
<script language=vbscript>
Dim c ,t 'For PivotTable constants.
Dim oView
Dim sResults
Dim aStates
Function Window_OnLoad()
Set c = PTable.Constants
'Connect to the data source.
PTable.UseRemoteProvider = true
PTable.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=E:\My Access\test.mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
PTable.DataMember = "MonthSales"
Set oView = PTable.ActiveView
Set Chart1Title = oView.TitleBar
' Set the caoption for the title.
Chart1Title.Caption = "Sales Vs Budget"
'Add Dimensions to the column, row, and filter axes.
oView.ColumnAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Yr")
oView.FieldSets("Yr").Fields(0).Caption = "Year"
oView.ColumnAxis.DisplayEmptyMembers = True
oView.ColumnAxis.FieldSets("Yr").Fields(0).Subtotals(1) = false
oView.RowAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Store")
oView.RowAxis.DisplayEmptyMembers = true
oView.FilterAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Mont")
oView.DataAxis.InsertFieldSet oView.FieldSets("Sales")
' aStates = Array("Cleared", "Checked", "Gray")
oView.DataAxis.InsertTotal oView.AddTotal("Sum of Sales",
oView.Totals("Sum of Sales").NumberFormat= "$#,##0"
oView.FieldLabelBackColor = "Lavender"
oView.TotalBackColor = "White"
oView.HeaderBackColor = "Gold"
End Function