OWC: action and drillthrough on same page


AC Dybdahl

Hi all,

I want to have both support for actions (action.htc) and drillthrough
(drillthrough.htc) on the same page on a OWC BI solution. I can get either of
them to work, but not both at the same time. I can not find a solution to

Any help would be greatly appriciated!

Best regards,
AC Dybdahl
Laerdal Medical AS

Antoine Prevot


I guess you can only use -one- behavior file (.htc) per component, so you'll
have a draconian choice, unless you merge the two .htc and modify the right
click menu update to provide two choices. It'll be difficult, the
drillthrough.htc is monolithic and hard to understand, you'll have headaches

Dunno if I made myself clear but ... good luck !


Yes you might need to modify the one behavior file and handle Context Menu
and other events if necessary. I have done some custom events for hyperlink
( Click event ). I always first test it on aspx / web service file for
proper syntax
and then copy the same to the behavior file. The behavior would not give
proper error and you are better testing on aspx /asmx file since it contains
intellisense , syntax check.
For example to get Detail Cell value , you could say in C#
PivotCell SelVal = pvCell.get_DetailCells(0,0).Value;
In behavior File Javascript
var SelVal = pvCell.DetailCells(0,0).value;


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