OWC chart documentation (Min/Max/Orientation)


Tom Youngquist

Hello all
I am relativly new to the OWC world and am trying to use OWC charts as a server side .gif for .NET web pages. After lots of looking and working I am having some success. However does anyone know where I can find some on-line documentation? Specifically I am trying to change the Min/Max values of the "Y-axes" as well as change the TickLabel Orientation on the "X-axes". I know I will have other questions so am really looking for more difinitive documentation but if someone knows the specific answers that would also be helpfull. Thanks in advance
Tom Youngquist

Thao Moua [ms]

To set the Y-axis Min/Max use the following cod

set C=Chartspace.Constant
Chartspace.Charts(0).Axes(c.chAxisPositionValue).Scaling.Minmum =
Chartspace.Charts(0).Axes(c.chAxisPositionValue).Scaling.Maximum =

To set the Y-axis text use the following cod
Chartspace.Charts(0).Axes(c.chAxisPositionValue).Orientation = Z //where Z is either 90, 0, or -9

The OWC Chartspace document will be found at
(for OWC10
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Components\10\1033\OWCVBA10.CH
(for OWC11
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Components\11\1033\OWCVBA11.CH

Thao Mou
OWC Webchart Suppor

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Tom Youngquist

Thank you very much for the help. Both items worked well. One follow-on question based on the answer and one additional question
1. Where did you find the 90, 0, -90 limitation? I could not find that anywhere
2. The graph I am creating has 3 Series (one for each of the last years with figures for each month). However, the first series is not complete (starts part way throug the year). In the chart in Excel I simply leave the first few months blank (DBNull) and the chart line for that series starts on the 4th month. However, when doing the same thing in OWC it moves the complete series line to the left as if the 4th element is the first. I tried putting 0 in the element but that graphs them at zero which is invalid. Is there a setting for the elements I am missing? My code looks like this

arSeries1(1) = IIf(dr.GetValue(1) <> 0, dr.GetValue(1), DBNull.Value
arSeries1(2) = IIf(dr.GetValue(2) <> 0, dr.GetValue(2), DBNull.Value
arSeries1(3) = IIf(dr.GetValue(3) <> 0, dr.GetValue(3), DBNull.Value
arSeries1(4) = IIf(dr.GetValue(4) <> 0, dr.GetValue(4), DBNull.Value

I have had the same results with

arSeries1(1) = IIf(dr.GetValue(1) <> 0, dr.GetValue(1), ""
arSeries1(2) = IIf(dr.GetValue(2) <> 0, dr.GetValue(2), ""
arSeries1(3) = IIf(dr.GetValue(3) <> 0, dr.GetValue(3), ""
arSeries1(4) = IIf(dr.GetValue(4) <> 0, dr.GetValue(4), ""
Thank you in advance for your assistance
Tom Youngquist

Thao Moua [ms]

Look for the Orientation property in the OWC help document that applied to ChAxis

Chartspace will always plot the nearest beginning date. If you want to add extra months before your actual date then you should set the axis scaling minimum value. For timescale axis, the date values are treated as numeric value. To set your axis (say) 2 months earlier you'll need to minus 30*2 (averaging 30 days/month for 2 months) from the default minimum value

webchart.charts(0).axes(0).scaling.Minimum =webchart.charts(0).axes(0).scaling.Minimum-6

Thao Mou
OWC Webchart Suppor

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----- Tom Youngquist wrote: ----

Thank you very much for the help. Both items worked well. One follow-on question based on the answer and one additional question
1. Where did you find the 90, 0, -90 limitation? I could not find that anywhere
2. The graph I am creating has 3 Series (one for each of the last years with figures for each month). However, the first series is not complete (starts part way throug the year). In the chart in Excel I simply leave the first few months blank (DBNull) and the chart line for that series starts on the 4th month. However, when doing the same thing in OWC it moves the complete series line to the left as if the 4th element is the first. I tried putting 0 in the element but that graphs them at zero which is invalid. Is there a setting for the elements I am missing? My code looks like this

arSeries1(1) = IIf(dr.GetValue(1) <> 0, dr.GetValue(1), DBNull.Value
arSeries1(2) = IIf(dr.GetValue(2) <> 0, dr.GetValue(2), DBNull.Value
arSeries1(3) = IIf(dr.GetValue(3) <> 0, dr.GetValue(3), DBNull.Value
arSeries1(4) = IIf(dr.GetValue(4) <> 0, dr.GetValue(4), DBNull.Value

I have had the same results with

arSeries1(1) = IIf(dr.GetValue(1) <> 0, dr.GetValue(1), ""
arSeries1(2) = IIf(dr.GetValue(2) <> 0, dr.GetValue(2), ""
arSeries1(3) = IIf(dr.GetValue(3) <> 0, dr.GetValue(3), ""
arSeries1(4) = IIf(dr.GetValue(4) <> 0, dr.GetValue(4), ""
Thank you in advance for your assistance
Tom Youngquist

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