Hello all.
Apologies if this has been answered somewhere else but I have looked
and can not find anything that helps.
I am blundering through the murky underworld of OWC and ASP.NET at the
moment and have had some success in dynamic charts. I have used an
online tutorial and have output the chart as an image
Response.BinaryWrite(oChartSpace.GetPicture("jpg", 400, 350))
and then shown that image on my page. I am very pleased with this.
I then had a play in SharePoint and FrontPage and found that I could
manually create a pivotchart where the user can slice and dice their
data as they see fit. I have looked at the code it generates and it
looks something like this...
<OBJECT id="ChartSpace1"
classid="clsid:0002E55D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" VIEWASTEXT>
and so forth.... (incidentally when you view the source of the page you
can see the password to the datasource in clear text this way which was
What I can not see is how I call this chart programmatically from my
vb.net code. Can I create a dynamic, on the fly version of this type of
pivotchart? Does this make sense?
Apologies if this has been answered somewhere else but I have looked
and can not find anything that helps.
I am blundering through the murky underworld of OWC and ASP.NET at the
moment and have had some success in dynamic charts. I have used an
online tutorial and have output the chart as an image
Response.BinaryWrite(oChartSpace.GetPicture("jpg", 400, 350))
and then shown that image on my page. I am very pleased with this.
I then had a play in SharePoint and FrontPage and found that I could
manually create a pivotchart where the user can slice and dice their
data as they see fit. I have looked at the code it generates and it
looks something like this...
<OBJECT id="ChartSpace1"
classid="clsid:0002E55D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" VIEWASTEXT>
and so forth.... (incidentally when you view the source of the page you
can see the password to the datasource in clear text this way which was
What I can not see is how I call this chart programmatically from my
vb.net code. Can I create a dynamic, on the fly version of this type of
pivotchart? Does this make sense?